11 July 2009

The Prince is Coming!

“The Prince is coming!” heralds shouted in the village square.  The news spread like wildfire through an orphanage in the small town. "Is it true? The prince is coming here? We must prepare gifts for him!" "But what can an orphan give a prince?" the children asked one another.

A child named Humble spoke. “Perhaps if we give him a wonderful gift he will even adopt us!”

“Stupid!” barked a little girl. “What would a prince want with an orphan?”

Humble shrugged. “I dunno. But I am going to give him a great gift.”

“Like what? You don’t have anything to give.”

“I am going to dig really deep in the yard and find a big hunk of gold. I will give every piece of gold I find to the prince.”

“Like you’re going to find gold in the yard,” another child butted in. “If there was gold, don’t you think miners would have discovered it by now?"

“Just the same,” said Humble, “I will try.”

The children decided that they too would give a gift to the king. One declared that she would sing a lovely song because she was a great singer. A little girl was a gifted painter and worked for weeks on her “masterpiece.” “I have read all the books the Prince has written,” a young boy said, “and I shall recite all that I have memorized.” The owner of the orphanage gathered all the money she had earned and placed it in a box for the prince. Despite the heat, Humble continued to dig every day in the yard for gold.

As sudden as the announcement, the day of the Prince’s arrival came! Everyone in the orphanage was prepared for the Prince: all except Humble. After all his digging, he had not managed to find any gold. His clothes were filthy from sweat and dust. Sweat streaked lines through the dirt on his face. Humble dug feverishly, for at any moment the Prince could arrive.

The Prince finally came! The children were amazed because He did not look much different than you or me, but wore a very handsome suit of white. As he sat down in the place of honor, the owner made an announcement. “We thought it fitting, your Majesty, that we should give you gifts to show our loyalty and appreciation.” The Prince nodded once slowly with a small smile. The owner brought out a box and removed the lid, revealing stacks of money with a bow.

The prince listened intently as the boy recited every stanza that he could remember. He spoke every verse with passion and did not miss a single world. Orators in the King’s court would have been impressed with his delivery. The artist brought in her masterpiece and placed it on the table before the Prince. “It is my finest work,” she said. It was a beautiful piece, no doubt worthy to grace the corridors of a palace. Finally a girl sang a lovely song, a song of her own composition.

After all had brought their gifts to the Prince he thanked them all. “I appreciate your devotion and gifts. But isn’t there another boy here?”

“Yeah, Humble. He’s probably still outside “digging for gold” in his hole. Do you want me to get him?” said the owner.

“No, I will go to him,” said the prince as he stood to his feet. He walked out towards the hole where Humble was working. When Humble saw the Prince he started, dropped his shovel, and climbed out of the hole wiping his hands on his pants. He certainly was a sight. His face had been washed with tears and he quickly put something behind his back.

“What do you have there, child?” asked the prince.

“Well, uh, nothing. It’s a rock actually,” said Humble, bringing the rock out from behind his back looking at the ground. “I was hoping that I could find you gold…but I couldn’t. Then I thought I might be able to find something valuable or really pretty…” The poor boy broke down in tears.

“Let me see your rock,” said the prince.

Humble slowly held out his hand, still looking at the ground. It was a common rock, covered in dirt clods. As the prince reached for the rock, the boy rushed forward, fell to his knees and clutched the leg of the prince sobbing. As the attendants stepped quickly forward to grab the child, the Prince held up his hands to motion for them to stop.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” cried Humble as he clutched the Prince’s leg. “I have nothing to give you! I cannot sing, I cannot paint, I cannot recite, and I have no money. I thought if only I could find some gold…Kings like gold!”

A tear fell from the Prince’s eye onto the boy as the Prince reached down to touch him. “Child, you have given the greatest gift because you have given yourself. I have angels who sing to me without ceasing. I have created the colors of the world and the universe is my canvas. The words that I have written will endure forever. All the currency, gold, or silver of the world cannot add to my infinite wealth.”

“I don’t understand, my prince.”

“The one thing that I did not yet have is you. And now that I have you, we will never be apart. My Father, the King, has chosen to adopt any who will give themselves to Him.” He lifted the boy from the ground and wiped his tears with his white handkerchief. “You will be a prince with me, and it is my Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

The other children and the owner were amazed and confused. Humble had given nothing, but was adopted into the King’s family. The Prince’s eyes brimmed with tears as He placed the rock in His pocket. A smile like sunshine spread over the little boy's face. The Prince whispered in His ear, “I will never leave you or forsake you. Enter into the joy of the LORD!” He reached for the hand of Humble and they lived joyfully ever after.

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