25 November 2009

The Power of Being Wanted

There's something about being wanted that attracts attention.  During World War I and II, this was a poster used to recruit young American patriots to serve their country in the U.S. armed forces.  Uncle Sam looked everyone who saw this poster dead in the face with outstretched finger, saying "You!  I want you!"  It doesn't matter whether you see this picture from straight on or from the side:  if you can see Uncle Sam, he's looking right at you.

Now we know that there are certain things which will keep someone from serving in the military:  asthma, blindness, paralysis, disease, or lack of motivation.  The intention behind the sign is to motivate and encourage.  Allow yourself for a moment to be a 19 year old man in a little town with big dreams.  The sight of this sign send a spark of hope in his heart:  could it be true?  I can serve my country in the army?  The government wants me to help?  If Uncle Sam said, "I need you" then there would be obligation and perhaps guilt, but Uncle Sam WANTS me, a nobody!  I'm in!

How wonderful it is to be wanted!  I was recently offered and accepted a job at Farwest Insulation, a Local 5 contractor.  Not only was the timing great, but the people have been so encouraging and accommodating.  It was almost like a dream to be at work in a trade I love, having been offered a job at a shop I've never worked at after over four years being off the tools.  In talking to my superintendent, I was told that good help is at a premium and they were very happy to have me.  Now that tells me two things:  the company believes I am a good worker, and I was offered the job because I am wanted.  I don't know about you, but this made me feel pretty good...no, really good.  It's good to be wanted.

If I can feel good because there is a construction company that wants me to work for them and treats me great, how much better should Christians feel because of our Father who wants us!  God does not need us, but He wants us!  His great desire is that we would love Him as He has revealed His love for us.  God has granted us life and every imaginable blessing that we have.  Are you good at something?  It is because God has given you the ability.  Do you love certain activities, foods, or people?  God is to thank for that love and desire in your heart.  People are content with one, three, five, sometimes ten children, but not God.  He's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so He might save them, bless them, and dwell with them forever!

Thank God that He wants you!  In this season of celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S., may we remember that thanksgiving to God is not seasonal.  He wants us and rejoices in each one of us individually.  We aren't just a number "reporting for duty," but someone who God knows personally, intimately, and fully.  Praise God that He wants us!  Remember to thank Him today!

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