07 November 2010

A Conversation with God

A man stared into the clouds as they morphed into puffy shapes overhead.  The air was damp and heavy.  Thunder could be heard afar off as an occasional raindrop the size of a grape whizzed and smacked the ground.  The stored heat in the asphalt from the sun evaporated the spot in moments, though the aroma of summer rain continued to grow.  The man knew God was up above.  He stood transfixed in the middle of the street, trying to see a break in the clouds.

"There is a dark cloud over this country, Father," the man said slowly.  "There is also a cloud over your church.  We struggle to see.  I know you can part the seas...won't you part the clouds that hang over my soul as well?"

The clouds continued to billow and change.  Sometimes a spot of blue shone brightly through the where the clouds were wispy thin.  There was no thunder, no crack of lightning.  Only the sound of the wind in the trees and pattering of rain could be heard.  The man waited for a while, no need to rush.  God would speak when it was time.

"We need your wind to blow upon us so we might be moved, LORD.  We need your Spirit to fill us.  We need the refreshment you have promised, for you have said that times of refreshment would come," the man continued.  "How can we live for you unless you help us?"

The sky became more dark and ominous.  Yet scattered through the heavens vibrant blue peeked with sharp contrast against the charcoal puffs.  Then God's still small voice said to the man's heart, "You may have clouds overhead, but you still have Light.  I make the light shine.  Be still and know that I am God."  The man listened and stood there for a while, thinking about the truth of what God said.

The man was happy because God spoke to him.  He knew the clouds were only a small layer blocking his view of the clear sky.  There is a place above the clouds that is always clear and bright.  Because the man lived on the earth sometimes clouds made the sky dark during the day.  But every day God makes His light shine, even if all the man could see were clouds.  God is good to do that, the man thought.  He prayed.  God, make my life shine bright for your glory under these dark clouds so people will know how awesome you are.  He was thankful to have a conversation with God and told Him so.

No beam of light, no voices of angels, no quivery feelings inside.  Just a still small voice.  And you know what?  It was just what the man needed. 

1 comment:

  1. "But every day God makes His light shine, even if all the man could see were clouds."
    Amen! And we must be still before Him and know that He is God to have this revelation again and again.


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