18 May 2011

Goads and Nails

"The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright--words of truth. 11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd."
Ecclesiastes 12:10-11

During a recent phone conversation with my dad, he drew my attention to this passage.  For much of his life my dad has both preached the word and worked as a carpenter.  Let's say he knows the difference between a well or poorly-driven nail!  In this passage King Solomon uses two illustrations to state the value and purpose of a discourse built on biblical truth.  God did not provide us His Word so we might merely observe, but so it could do a work in us.  Both goads and nails are used for work.  Both are honed to a sharp point to be effective.

A goad is a sturdy long stick sharpened to a point of either wood or iron which is used to guide and motivate cattle through discomfort.  As oxen pulled a plow, the farmer would stand behind them and administer a firm nudge with the goad to urge the oxen forward.  The goad moved an ox to perform work when he would rather stand around and graze.  God's Word is a call to service and action.  The Holy Spirit uses it to prompt us to do things we wouldn't naturally do.  When confronted with the supernatural wisdom of God and conviction through the Holy Spirit, we are taught and urged to action.

Nails are made in many shapes and sizes but all have a single purpose in construction:  to hold building materials tightly together.  There are roofing nails, finish nails, duplexes, nails for pneumatic guns, and nails for paneling, siding, and lath.  Though nails may be made out of different metals and have a variety of shapes and sizes, they are designed for a particular job.  A carpenter might even blunt the tip of a nail before driving it to keep wood from splitting.  As a carpenter chooses the right nail for the job, a preacher carefully chooses words to hold his discourse together and have the appropriate impact.  It takes anointing and teaching of the Holy Spirit to rightly divide the Word of truth.

The world goads us into sin, while Christ guides us into righteousness.  He is the Good Shepherd who protects, guides, teaches, and provides for us.  His words are like goads and sharp nails which always accomplish the work He intends in our lives.  As we faithfully hold forth God's Word as led by the Spirit, we too can use words which will touch hearts and keep people from wandering from the truth.  Isaiah 55:11 says, "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."  God goads us when we need it, and uses the right nails in the correct way to do work in and through us.  He meets the needs of each one of His sheep.  I wonder:  what wisdom is God speaking to you right now?

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