07 June 2012

Is Tithing for Today? Part 2

Have you ever walked up to a group of people to find them involved into a passionate discussion?  After standing there for a minute of two, you face a decision to either jump in or step away.  That's a little how I feel after my last post on tithing.  In the years of contributing to this blog, I have penned over 500 posts.  I have had more feedback in less than 24 hours on this particular post than all the other posts combined!  It is clearly a conversation that's been going on for a while.  For those of you who have written messages, thank you very much.  I appreciate you reading and commenting. 

Part of the reasons for the post is that I Google searched "Is Tithing for Today?" and was surprised at the amount of negative posts in the first five pages I scanned.  I decided that I would share some scriptural reasons to support the other side of the discussion.  I see tithing as a good work, not evil.  After reading some responses, I thought it wise to clarify some potential misconceptions.  I rejoice that we live in a blessed day of freedom through Christ.  God forbid that I should encourage people to return to the Law!  That was not my intent whatsoever.  My reason for writing was not to condemn those who do not tithe, but to suggest that there are benefits for those who do.  There has no doubt been abuse in the area of money in the history of the church - and governments, non-profits, money changers, and unfortunately wherever money is involved!  I wrote for the purpose to encourage people to give as they are led by God.  It is apparent that "tithing" is a loaded term for many, and for that reason I will instead say "Spirit-led giving."  Whatever we do, we are to do it unto the LORD (Romans 14:1-6).

This morning I read Proverbs 3:9-10 which says:  "Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; 10 so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine."  We see the principle throughout scripture, to honour God with what we have been given.  But I am no farmer.  I do not grow crops or raise animals.  When I relate this principle to myself, money is the currency of my increase.  In the Old Testament days, people would bring their firstfruits to the Levites so they could eat!  The Priests and Levites ministered to the people in spiritual things, and God used the giving of the people to supply their physical needs.  Paul affirms this principle in the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 9:3-11:  he and others had supplied spiritual needs, and it was fitting for the people to provide physical things.  Paul never demanded a tithe from the people, but they should give as led by the Spirit.

This is my opinion:  I see Spirit-led giving as a good work.  If God should lead a man to give .3%, 10%, or 58% of a paycheck, good!  For those who know to do good and do it not, to them it is sin (James 4:17).  This principle, of course, is not restricted only to our handing of finances.  No man is under the obligation to tithe except God lead Him to.  Legalism is not defined by what you do or don't do, but where your heart is in doing.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart.  When I was a youth, I remember one lady who believed head coverings were very important.  I sadly judged her for her actions as being entrenched in legalism, even though her motivation may very well have been pure in God's eyes.  Instead of judging, I should have been loving.  People may judge me as returning to the Law because I have cited scriptures God has used to lead me to tithe in the past.  My confidence is only in Christ and God's grace.

Anything we do in faith as led by the Holy Spirit will certainly reap heavenly rewards.  Thank God for His patience!  I humbly affirm that I am still learning, and may God help me to walk in love, grace, and mercy.  Whatever we do, may we do it as unto the LORD!

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