26 February 2013

Certain Salvation

Have you ever read something that seems to encapsulate your thoughts and express them in a way far superior to your best effort?  I came across such a passage today in G. Campbell Morgan's sermon titled, "Christ's Knowledge of Men."  My thoughts were, "Well said!  Now I don't have to write that - not that I could have anyway!"  Allow me to share his concluding thoughts with you:
You come not merely for perfect understanding, faithful dealing, but for certain salvation.  Demonstrate to me that He cannot save you and I quit preaching.  Prove to me that your case is beyond the power of Christ and the evangel breaks down.  But you cannot prove it.  Oh that there may come to us sooner or later a great baptism of passionate honesty.  Witnesses are everywhere here, men and women who know His power; who could not, but can; who were fast bound in sin and nature's night, but who awoke as a ray of light came into the dungeon from his presence, whose chains fell off and went forth to live, serve, and follow Him.  If you will but come to Him because He knows you and let Him deal with you in all His faithfulness, you will find Him able to save you.  May God in His grace bring you to this Christ Who knows you, that He may save you.   - G. Campbell Morgan  (The Westminster Pulpit, Vol. 2, pg. 331)
I freely confess I am one of those witnesses.  I was in a prison held captive by my own sins when Jesus revealed Himself through the Word of God.  Some nuts are harder to crack than others, but when I fell upon the Chief Cornerstone Jesus Christ I was broken.  It was Jesus who forgave, cleansed, healed, and saved me.  On whomever this Cornerstone falls will be ground to power.  The knowledge that God would certainly judge me and this world according to righteousness showed me I was in serious trouble!  I am a sinner and unless I found forgiveness I was doomed.  After repenting and trusting in Christ, I was baptised with the Holy Spirit and discovered power for service.  By His grace my eyes were opened to my purpose and a new life appeared where there was once only death.  God has become the ultimate end of my life.

God knows you and every circumstance of your life.  Are you willing to trust Him?  It is only in Christ we can find certain salvation. John 6:35-37 reads, "And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. 36 But I said to you that you have seen Me and yet do not believe. 37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out."  In Christ is abundant life for all who trust Him!

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