08 July 2013

I Know You're Out There

I may not know you, but I know you're out there.

You're hurting.  Betrayed, disillusioned, confused, you don't know who to trust.  Perhaps you suffered abuse at the hands of people you trusted as a child.  Your body no longer shows the bruises and the bleeding has stopped, but inside the wounds are fresh.  Just as painful was the fact no one knew how you suffered as you stuffed your hurt deep inside.

You're afraid.  You carry fear that gnaws you from the inside.  Sometimes you feel like a child, alone in the dark.  You fear rejection and the thought of being all alone.  You fear your spouse.  You fear for your life.  And you are very afraid to die.

But in a perverse way you would welcome death, given your experiences of life.  The weight of sorrows, disappointments, grief, and anger is more than you can bear.  The anger inside of you has a grip you can't escape.  It breaks your heart when you hurt others with fists and words.  You don't want to be like this anymore, but you are helpless, adrift, and living without life.  Your body is alive, but you are dead inside.

You're hooked.  Things you used to find exciting and fun have brought you under bondage.  You are a slave to alcohol, to pornography, to lying, drugs, selling your body, and giving away pieces of your heart and soul.  You feel like a fish sometimes, hooked through the nose and pulled along by Satan himself.  You hear voices and you fight to resist them.  But inevitably you lose. When they win, you do things you hate.  The shame is unbearable but the cycle continues.  You hate everything, yourself - and even God.

You're miserable.  You long for true love, but it has always evaded you.  Financial security and outward success have left you empty.  You have discovered many different ways to cope, various numbing agents to avoid the pain, darkness, and poverty within.  Is this all there is?  Hopeless and helpless, you desperately are seeking a way out but are afraid to take it.  You have decided you will never be vulnerable again.  You secretly cut yourself to feel something.  You desire release and think of taking your life.  How hard would it be to cut a little deeper?  Would anyone care?

I know you're out there.  God prompted me this morning to think about you and pray for you.  He moved me to tell you that there is help and hope for you in Jesus Christ.  You might be looking for God, you might not.  But God is not lost.  He is the One who seeks after the helpless, the sick, the hopeless, and sinners - people who aren't perfect - regular people like you and me.  He knows your pain.  He understands.  Jesus was betrayed by a friend, forsaken by His friends, abused, tortured, and killed by sinners even though He did nothing wrong.  He did only good.  Yet He suffered and died on the cross because He loves all people:  the broken, the wounded, abused, and addicted.  He died for you.

During His life, Jesus did many miracles and signs pointing to His deity.  He healed the blind, lame, cleansed lepers, and raised the dead to life.  But the greatest portrait of His love is when He stretched out His arms and His hands were nailed to the cross.  Naked, ashamed, and humiliated, He bore the punishment for your sins and mine on that cross.  Sin came into the world and death through sin.  Sin also is the cause for all sickness, sadness, crying, and suffering.  Jesus embraced all those things for you because He loves you.  He did not fear death because He knew He would rise again the third day and prove His power over sin, death, the devil, and hell.  Glory to God, Jesus Christ DID rise from the dead.  He's alive to this day and will ever be.

I know you're out there, and I don't even know you.  But God does.  He created you, knit you together in the womb of your mother.  He sees through the facade; His eyes pierce the masks we wear.  He knows your fear, doubts, anger, and hate.  He knows you are wounded and all the injustices you have endured.  God demonstrated His love for you through the greatest injustice ever committed on this earth when Jesus was crucified on the cross.  God redeemed that grave tragedy, and God can redeem your life too.  He invites you to come to Him.  He gently speaks words of peace.  He coaxes you to trust Him.  People may have abused, betrayed, and forsaken you, but He will not.  He offers you everlasting love, life, redemption, forgiveness, and hope.  Christ offers you Himself.  John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  Come to Him today as a frightened child.  Confess your sin and admit your great need for forgiveness and salvation.  Trust in Christ and He will wash you clean.  He will break your bonds and open your eyes.  He will give you new life and unfailing love.  He will hug you close as a daddy you never had.

If you choose to repent and follow Christ, Revelation 21:3-4 paints a picture of your certain future:  "And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."  Our God makes all things new.  Apart from God you are without hope.  If you will trust in Him, He will set you free and give you a fresh start to a new life through Him.  Won't you trust Him?

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