25 August 2014

Content in God

It's been a long week.  My wife and I have been floored with a virus since last Wednesday.  I can't remember if I have ever had a fever for five straight days, and I hope that is the last time!  We were very thankful to have a doctor home visit and have scripts written for both of us for a course of antibiotics.  This is the first time I have missed teaching on a Sunday morning due to illness in almost nine years, which is quite remarkable.  It is not a testimony to my constitution, but to the grace and sustaining power of God.

As bad as it is to be sick and exhausted, Laura and I talked about how gracious God has been to our family since arriving to Australia concerning illness.  When moving to a new country there are many new strains one can be exposed to.  Despite the differences, I believe God protected us and kept us healthy.  This is where some become quite cynical:  "Does God only answer your prayers?  What about the people who have been sick many times?  How about those with cancers and debilitating illnesses who suffer every single day?"  God did not keep our family from illness because of any goodness in us or because we are more "special" than other people.  God gives people good health who don't even believe in Him!  He gives according to His grace.  We have asked Him for good health and God gave it to us.  We have thanked Him profusely.  And guess what?  This past week He said "No" to good health.  I hate being sick and run-down, but if God sees fit to allow me to be sick, then I am content in Him.

God is only good, in total contrast to this fallen world.  He is trustworthy.  My family and I are sheep of His pasture.  Jesus is our Good Shepherd who watches over us, protects us, binds up our wounds, heals our bodies, and brings rest to our souls even when we are sick.  This world cannot offer true rest, healing, and restoration!  There is no peace in the hearts and minds of the cynics who lash out angrily at God only when things go wrong and credit themselves when things go well.  Some are happy enough to forget about "God" until they feel a need to blame someone.  Job asked his wife, "Should we receive good from God and not evil?"  A fair question.  If God is in control and knows what is best, who are we to doubt Him when He allows discomfort and pain?  Never forget He is a Redeemer.

David wrote in Psalm 120:1 after the priests had been slaughtered in cold blood save one:  "In my distress I cried to the LORD, and He heard me."  When I was in agony during these days I have cried out to God in my distress like I have not for a long time.  It was a good reminder that I need to have that sense of urgency to seek God when it is not my body or comfort on the line.  God uses distress and illness even for good concerning those who love God.  What a wonder, to be heard by God!  To be heard is a greater blessing than to be healed!  When bad things happen, how much greater and good is our God!

1 comment:

  1. Yes we we are more that content for grace today in joy with blessing and be sowing our seed in favor and in pleasing the Father in heaven with deeds of kindnes and in duty with the Holy Sipirit to heal and save in pleasure of the word among us,in Jesus name,thanks an dbless,keijos wedne


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