03 February 2016

Reducing Belly Fat

I don't know how many different ads I have seen, but I've read belly fat can be reduced by a series of "weird tips."  It's a strange thing:  I have never seen an ad for removing fat from my hips, arms, or chest, but it appears we must make every effort to target that cursed belly fat.  The truth is, there are people who pay money to re-arrange their fat - to make parts of their bodies slimmer and other parts fuller.  I wouldn't have known sin without the mirror of God's Law, and I wouldn't have known belly fat was such a big problem without those ads constantly popping up.  I'm sure magazines and Photoshop doesn't help either.  And then there are my pants which always seem to be shrinking...moving on! :)

It occurred to me that even as we long to target our body fat selectively, so we can do the same with sin.  We can come to a place spiritually that as long as we can fit into our pants the growing belly isn't a big deal.  We might be a bit out of shape and breathless walking up a few stairs, so to speak, but at least we can wear clothes which conceal the truth from others.  Spiritually speaking, attempting to target a certain sin in isolation will not work.  We must be willing to commit to dietary changes and embracing of exercise so the entire body can benefit - not just our bellies.  We must allow His Word to pierce our hearts and bring our entire lives under the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.  It is folly to say, "I'm happy for you to remove the fat I consider unsightly from my belly, but can't I keep a good layer on my arms and chest?"  It is telling that it is not the fat which jiggles under our skin, but the visceral fat which collects around our internal organs which is most dangerous.  Surgical removal of the subcutaneous fat may slim our waistlines for a season, but it doesn't make us healthy.

Visible sinful behaviour is evidence of sin in our hearts.  Sinful habits and choices are merely symptoms it is not well with our soul.  It is good when we recognise our need to change, and it is through repenting and walking in obedience to God according to faith in His word that our overall spiritual health begins to improve.  It is not just one area of your life that needs to change, for those who are born again by faith in Jesus are new creations!  All things have become new!  God has given us the opportunity of a new beginning, and we should joyfully seize it.  God desires much more for us than flat bellies and ripped abdominals, but a new heart, a biblical perspective, and a godly lifestyle.

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