23 February 2016

Scriptures and Power of God

In my morning Bible reading, a statement by Jesus arrested my attention.  The passage listed occasions when those who doubted and hated Jesus sought to entrap Him in His words.  The Herodians, Pharisees, and Sadducees were groups who attempted to make Jesus look ignorant with their moral dilemmas and hypothetical debates, but they could not stump Jesus.  In response to the Sadducees, who only exposed their ignorance by taking their best shot at Jesus, the KJV rendering of Matthew 22:29 reads, "Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God."  It is ironic how the Sadducees would have claimed extensive knowledge of the scriptures, but Jesus whom they desired to expose as ignorant expressed this of them.  Their lack of belief in things spiritual left them severely hamstrung.  Their doubts left them wanting in both knowledge of the scriptures and experience of God's power.

What struck me as I read the words of Jesus is how the knowledge of the scripture exposes a man to the power of God.  The Bible begins with the matter-of-fact explanation concerning God creating the heavens, earth, and all that is in them in mere days.  God's miraculous power was known by the Egyptians and the Israelites when He visited great plagues upon the land of Egypt.  God delivered His people through the Red Sea, destroyed their enemies, and sustained them in the wilderness.  He provided food daily, supplied water from a rock, and miraculously healed those who were bitten by venemous snakes.  He caused the ground to open up and swallow people whole, and made the walls of Jericho to fall down when the people obeyed God.  Through judges, prophets, kings, and ultimately Jesus Christ, God's power was revealed to all.  It knowing the scripture we can know God's power, and when we are born again through the Gospel the revelation of God's power becomes personally tangible as He transforms us from within and empowers us for God's service.

No matter how I turn the statement of Christ around it shines forth brilliantly like a precious gem.  It can be said of all men we do err; we do make mistakes.  The cause of much of our sin is because we have not brought scripture nor the power of God to bear on our current situation.  It is a matter of perspective.  We have all sinned, but when we are born again we do not need to sin any longer.  God has given us the scriptures to guide us and imbued us with power from on high through the Holy Spirit.  I can say without exception when I sin it is because I have disobeyed the truth of scripture and have refused the power of God.  Often we are deluded by our assumptions, imagining our situation is most peculiar and difficult.  But the righteous, God-fearing perspective obtained through knowledge of the scriptures and walking in the power of God sets us straight.  God's people perish by a lack of knowledge, but even knowledge has its limits.  It is a starting point, not the end.

Our lives are lived worthily when we keep both the scriptures and the power of God in full view.  We Christians tend to lean one way or the other.  When we lose sight of either we will err.  We make a grave mistake when we hold to scripture whilst denying the power of God, or seek after a miraculous display of God's power without the guide of scripture.  It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit we can discern the scripture, and only by the scripture can we test the spirits to see if they are of God.  I am so grateful for Jesus and for His priceless wisdom.  He always knows exactly what I need and how to perfectly communicate truth when I am willing to listen and obey.

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