27 January 2017

Pain in the Process

A great challenge in our Christian walk is working through painful trials.  A couple of useful books on the subject is The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis and Where is God When it Hurts? by Philip Yancey.  We labour hard to reduce and eliminate it when we can, but pain isn't a bad thing when viewed through a biblical perspective.  Pain is a useful sensation (excruciating as it can be at times) to notify us of physical damage and prevents us from wounding ourselves further.  It is not fun to be robbed of sleep or rest due to pain, yet we can still find solace in Christ as our rest.  Our bodies heal much better and faster than wounded hearts and minds.  There is no prescription a doctor can supply to heal a broken heart, and what is impossible with men is possible with God.  The only time physical pain truly is a thing of the past is when a Christian enters into eternal glory.

Last Saturday I sprained my ankle playing baseball, and I did a quality job.  My ankle and foot swelled a bit and blood from the torn connective tissue pooled in a colourful bruise.  When I showed a picture of my ankle to a mate who has personal experience with ankle injuries he replied something to the effect of, "It's good you have swelling because it means most of your ligaments are still intact."  I must say this was an eye-opening perspective.  If there are no ligaments attached there would be no tearing or swelling:  only weakness and pain.  My ankle bruised because I had ligaments to tear.  Jesus brings healing for ankles, hearts, minds, and restores souls.  There will be pain in the process, but His love will carry us through.

When we are born again, God removes our heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh. The ligament of God's love provides a new depth of feeling and compassion for others we never had before.  We are given love for people we have never met and care deeply about their pains.  I have heard it said "Love hurts," and truthfully love makes a person willing to hurt for others.  Jesus was willing to endure the pain of the cross for me, and He provides the strength to endure suffering for His sake.  As much as we dislike pain and try to avoid it, this world is filled with it.  All people face the reality of pain, and God makes us sensitive to the pain of others because we have been born again.  A dead man feels no pain.  Only Christ provides meaning behind suffering which is profitable and reveals God's grace.

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