03 February 2018

Revelations Belong to Us

"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."
Deuteronomy 29:29

This verse follows a long and extensive list of commands in the Law of God given through Moses.  There were many promises of blessings for the obedient and even more curses for the disobedient.  Though Christians are not under the condemnation of the Law's covenant because a new covenant has been established through Jesus and the Gospel, this truth and principle of this verse is incredibly relevant today.

The first thing this verse asserts is there are secret things only God knows, and they all belong to Him.  They are His to conceal or reveal as He sees fit.  No amount of searching on our part can unlock them.  God has freely chosen to reveal many mysteries to us not previously known, but other things He has not revealed nor will He.  The secrets we do not know, however, should not hinder us from heeding and observing the truth God has revealed.  Things God has plainly written in His Word are for us and our children forever that we may do all God has commanded us.

God delights to reveal Himself to us, and may we each have open eyes and ears to behold wondrous things from the Bible concerning God and His ways.  But never let what has not been revealed weaken your grasp or resolve concerning what God has already revealed.  From the beginning man has shown great interest in new things, but when it comes to scripture the new is confirmed and supported by what God has already said.  God revealed the Law for a clearly stated purpose:  so His people might do all the words of the Law.  In a similar way Jesus has demonstrated His love for us while we were yet sinners so we might respond accordingly.  Based upon Christ's divine revelation of sacrificial love during His life culminating on Calvary, we too are to love others.

We might have a thirst for hidden knowledge, but God's will is for us to live according to the knowledge we already possess, to walk according to His will as already revealed in His Word.  If you want to know God, the best way to do so is through the testimony of scripture.  God wants much more than to fill our heads with knowledge but so we would walk in the fear of the LORD and obedience to Him.

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