15 February 2018

Thoughts and Prayers

The news of a mass school shooting in Florida reached our fair shores in Australia on news broadcasts and the familiar inundation on social media of caustic and defensive posts.  A recurring theme was the disdain of people offering "thoughts and prayers" for the victims of the shooting without taking drastic practical action to eliminate these terrible tragedies.  There is palpable frustration for some people when others respond with "thoughts and prayers" after a tragedy because in their minds if tragedies happen what has thinking and praying accomplished?  On the other hand, cursing and making memes does not bring comfort to anyone, alter what has happened, or prevent future tragedies.

This recent shooting occurred on Valentine's Day, a day when cards, letters, and messages are sent with the recurring theme "Thinking of you."  It is not an offensive thing to be remembered and thought well of.  Based upon this, it is likely not the thoughts which riles people up but the mention of "prayers."  It is a confronting and uncomfortable for people to be "prayed" for because this assumes the reality of a God who hears and answers prayer - a concept which many people (especially when suffering is involved) vehemently oppose.  I remember an Australian Prime Minister in the face of tragedy said to victims, "You are in our thoughts" and as a Christian I wondered what mere thoughts could accomplish.  To think of others is kind, but to intercede on behalf of others in prayer to an Almighty God does more than all the thoughts in the world.

Even a child is known by his doings, and horrible stories of violence coming from the United States and others parts of the world are deeply troubling.  Never in my life have I seen the people of the United States more divided and fractured, and like Humpty Dumpty after his fall I do not think horses or men can unite them again.  There is no hope in politics, education, money, or legislation to change the hearts and minds of people.  If everyone had a gun for each hand or no guns at all nothing engineered or conceived in the minds of man can bring salvation for a country intent on tearing itself apart.  It is God - the One who people love or love to hate - who provides hope for the lost, rest for the weary, and salvation for the damned.  Blaming God or scorning prayers offered to Him is to ignore the only hope in this world.  There is no hope in prayer apart from the Living God who answers the prayer of faith in Him according to His Word.

For all those who are convinced there is value in praying to God, let us be the ones who walk in obedience to His revelation and answers.  Tragedy and pain prompts many questions, and what is the point of God's answering if we will not repent and change our ways?  Men commit senseless tragedies with no regard for God or men every day, yet God is a Redeemer.  In the face of murder, abuse, neglect, and destruction I do not see a ray of light, but I know God is good and without sin.  God has providentially placed His people all over the globe so His light will shine bright through them offering love, comfort, and compassion for all those who suffer.  It is love of God which leads to the love of people and even enemies.  The power of God's love demonstrated by Christ on the cross the wise recognise.  All who have received God's love keep believing, keep trusting, and keep praying no matter what.

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