16 August 2019

Healthy and Growing

Months ago a large tree was removed from the parkway in front of our house, and a large bare spot was left filled with sand.  It was around that time our neighbour began to prep his lawn for the winter by fertilising it.  I toyed with the idea of feeding my lawn at the time but decided against it.  The area where the tree once stood was mounded and needed to be flattened before installing new turf, and winter wasn't the best time to lay sod (according to my lawn-expert neighbour).  I call him this because the results speak for themselves.  The turf is always green and never will you find a weed in it!

Today I decided to remove some of the dirt to prepare for new sod.  Because I had not fertilised the lawn before winter, every gap in the turf was amazingly filled with many varieties of weeds.  Weeds are most opportunistic.  This practical example demonstrated how the neglect of feeding led to an exponential increase of weeds, and this is true concerning the spiritual life.  The lack of available food caused the turf in my yard to go dormant, and this lack of growth provided an opportunity for weeds to sprout and take over.  When we do not feed often on the Word of God or lack Christian fellowship, our spiritual growth takes a hit.  The best defence for a lawn is a healthy, growing lawn where weeds have no room to take root.  In the same way, efforts to weed out sin without grass which grows leaves gaps weeds ultimately fill.

It is hard work pulling weeds in the hot sun, and unless the space is filled with desirable seed or plants guess what?  The weeds will be back!  If we desire to have a lawn free from weeds it must be fed in the right season, and reading God's Word is always in season for Christians.  Reading and gaining knowledge is not our ultimate end but hearing and obeying the Word of God.  Obedience to Jesus Christ is a key to exponential growth of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

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