29 August 2019

The Heart of the Matter

To properly address an illness, we must go beyond seeking to alleviate symptoms.  The symptoms are not the cause--though they might be the reason we seek medical attention!  Fever, chills, and sore throat are indicators of a streptococcal infection lozenges and pain-relieving medication cannot cure.  It is also important antibiotics prescribed by a doctor are taken even after the fever breaks and pain is relieved to ensure the underlying infection is eradicated.

It has been a common error in Christians circles to view behaviour or symptoms as the problem rather than addressing the issues of the heart, a chief source of the problem.  We kick ourselves for obvious failings but neglect our need to have our hearts transformed and our minds renewed.  It is necessary we realise a drift into sin began with a drift from God.  The depth of our sin can take us for surprise like a woman who went to the doctor and complained of acute indigestion only to discover she was 9 months pregnant and in labour!  It takes prolonged pain and discomfort for us to seek the care of a doctor, and often it is the same which drives us to God seeking forgiveness and salvation.

After God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, their dealings with Him provide insight into our own wanderings.  See what Psalm 106:23-28 says concerning the sin of God's people:  "Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses His chosen one stood before Him in the breach, to turn away His wrath, lest He destroy them.24 Then they despised the pleasant land; they did not believe His word, 25 But complained in their tents, and did not heed the voice of the LORD. 26 Therefore He raised up His hand in an oath against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness, 27 To overthrow their descendants among the nations, and to scatter them in the lands. 28 They joined themselves also to Baal of Peor, and ate sacrifices made to the dead."  We would all agree idolatry and fornication are sinful, but the problem did not start there:  the problem began when they did not believe God's word (verse 24).  Unbelief led to despising the good land (verse 24), complaining, a refusal to listen to God, and disobedience (verse 25).  This corruption within exhibited itself in idolatry and fornication.

We are called, as followers of Jesus, to align our hearts and lives with the truth of God's Word.  If we will not hear or believe His Word, then we deny the lamp God has provided for our feet.  The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth in agreement with the scriptures, and Christ's words provide a sound foundation to build our lives upon.  God provides examples in the Bible for our good that we might learn from the failures of others and choose to walk in the way that pleases God.  If we aim for behaviour modification we are no better than Pharisees condemned by Christ, but God looks upon the heart.  When we are born again through faith in Jesus we are given a new heart and Spirit, and He convicts us of sin.  Having symptoms of sin exposed, by God's grace we can go to the heart of the matter. 

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