09 January 2021

Jesus Gives Peace

A phrase I keep hearing lately in light of current events in the world is, "Buckle up!  It's going to be a bumpy ride!"  I ask in response, "Who's sitting at the wheel of your life?"  If we look to politics, policies or people for peace and security, we are looking in the wrong place.  A metaphorical seat belt does nothing to help us endure turbulent times with hope.  If we allow things of this world to drive us, we are helpless and hopeless passengers at the mercy of fools.  This is not a wise posture for children of God to adopt.

On one occasion Jesus told His disciples to cross over the Sea of Galilee.  Suddenly their small fleet of boats was overwhelmed by a serious storm and started filling with water.  The disciples panicked.  Mark 4:38-40 reveals Jesus did not share their grave concerns:  "But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" 39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 40 But He said to them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"  The inactivity of Jesus brought fear to the surface in His disciples.  They were willing to obey but lacked faith to trust Him when their situation seemed dire.  They feared death and questioned the love and power of the One who was their Life.

Jesus did something they did not expect.  Instead of helping them bail water out of the boat, Jesus addressed the stormy sea that heeded His command:  "Peace, be still!"  Circumstances which caused men to scream in fear Jesus overruled with a word.  He did not ask the sea why it raged:  Jesus asked His disciples why they were so fearful.  They were afraid because they had no faith.  Though they knew Jesus by sight and spent countless days side by side, they didn't understand who He was.  For Christians today this is most relevant.  People who have known and followed Jesus for years still freak in fear because of unexpected trials with a hopeless outlook.  They fumble for security and in their desperation will strap themselves into a sinking vessel to escape what they fear.  Yet Jesus stands by us quick to listen, ready to save while we steel ourselves for a bumpy ride.

Gritting our teeth in worry or anger will not provide peace, hope or salvation we desperately need.  Blessed is the man whose eyes are open to who Jesus is and the folly of fear when we abide in our Good Shepherd.  A shepherd does not drag his sheep by a lead but leads them with His voice.  Our troubled hearts at the sound of His voice can be like a storming sea where there was a great calm when we heed Him.  Jesus said to His disciples in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  Faith holds to Jesus and refuses to let circumstances of life rob us blind of the peace God has given us through our LORD and Saviour.  It is not the troubled sea where the problems lay but in the troubled hearts devoid of faith of God's people.  The world offers peace but cannot deliver; Jesus gives peace and leaves it with us.

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