11 January 2021

Navigating Unfamiliar Territory

"So it was, after three days, that the officers went through the camp; 3 and they commanded the people, saying, "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it. 4 Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before."
Joshua 3:2-4

On the cusp of finally crossing the Jordan river and entering into the Promised Land, God's people were told to keep their distance from the ark of the covenant carried by the Levites as they followed.  During their pilgrimage in the wilderness the presence of God led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to the next location to make camp.  The children of Israel were told to keep almost a kilometre distance between them and the ark of God so they could see the way God was leading them.

God was leading Israel to a new place with which they were unfamiliar.  They did not know the way, nor were they to assume they knew where their final destination would be.  Everyone has a different idea of what is ideal, and the people were to wholly submit to God's leading in real time as they went together.  As we embark in a new year and every day this is wise for us to hold to this principle.  We have lived many days and years on earth, yet who but God can say where He will lead us or the way He will take us?  We have never lived today before.  We can apply this to Christian ministry as well because we run the risk of relying on our experience, our own ideas or the opinions of others to guide and direct our steps.  We can assume we know the way to go, that God, having reconciled us to Himself by His grace, will "rubber stamp" our movements with His approval.  Our call is to walk by faith in God, not by sight.

The children of Israel were to see and follow the priests bearing the ark of the covenant, but every step they took was to be by faith in God's sovereignty, provision, protection and presence.  Walking in God's ways meant God was with them and would not leave or forsake them.  Israel knew pushing the flocks to hard would cause many to perish, and God knew throwing His people into warfare quickly after being delivered from slavery would be too much to bear.  So like a good shepherd, God led His people gently toward His intended destination that they did not know and could not by experience predict.  We have been given the inspired word of God and we need to be taught by the Holy Spirit to comprehend what God is saying to us.  God was leading to a place they had never before, and today is unfamiliar territory for us though the scenery might remain the same.

Isn't this a lovely reminder of God's love and care for His people?  If we imagine we know the way to go we might make a decision like Lot who moved his family to the well-watered plains which ended up being utterly destroyed in God's judgment.  The tribes of Ruben, Gad and Manasseh were content to dwell on the east of Jordan because the land was suitable for cattle and they had cattle:  they were the first tribes to be absorbed by heathen nations.  Friends, when God moves in your life do not assume you know where He is leading you or even what the day will hold:  you have never been here before.  Unlike the Israelites who followed the ark at a great distance, we are called to follow Jesus Christ our Saviour closely as we heed His voice as sheep that heed their Shepherd.  Jesus is the Way and we enjoy safety, peace and hope in His presence.  Let us go after Him that we might go where Jesus is as the Holy Spirit leads us.

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