13 April 2021

Unexpected Refreshment

When King David heard Absalom had declared himself king in Hebron and the conspiracy against him was strong, he voluntarily vacated the palace in Jerusalem to prevent bloodshed.  He directed the high priest Zadok to return the Ark of the Covenant to the proper resting place in the tabernacle in faith of God's sovereignty and goodness.  If the LORD delighted in him He would cause David to one day return.  To make dire matters worse, David was informed his chief advisor Ahithophel was also part of Absalom's mutinous scheme.  David and all the people who crossed the Kidron valley with him and ascended the Mount of Olives wept as they mournfully trudged away from Jerusalem and God's holy habitation.

As David, his household and those loyal to him left the city, they were greeted by a jeering and cursing man named Shimei of Benjamin.  2 Samuel 16:7-8 says, "Also Shimei said thus when he cursed: "Come out! Come out! You bloodthirsty man, you rogue! 8 The LORD has brought upon you all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned; and the LORD has delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom your son. So now you are caught in your own evil, because you are a bloodthirsty man!"  David was a humble man who knew well his faults, yet he was not guilty of what Shimei accused him of.  To the contrary:  David had been gracious, merciful and generous to the household of Saul.  Shimei cast stones, kicked up dust and hurled insults at David, and he took comfort in the LORD looking upon his affliction and rewarding him good for extending grace in the face of humiliating circumstances.

Then comes the surprising revelation of 2 Samuel 16:14:  "Now the king and all the people who were with him became weary; so they refreshed themselves there."  Shell-shocked by the betrayal of his own son, grieved with the need to vacate the throne and flee his home, cursed and falsely accused of being a bloodthirsty rogue, the king and all the people with him were refreshed.  I am convinced this refreshment was not one merely of physical rest but of perfect peace that comes only from faith in God.  A man cannot be refreshed when seething with rage, while plotting his revenge or furious over public humiliation.  On the Mount of Olives David and his companions took time to breathe, to recover as they considered God and entrusted themselves to Him afresh--right there as the dust filled their nostrils and the curses rained down.

How blessed are the people whose God is the LORD, who entrust themselves, their reputations and future into His loving hands!  Our God is a Saviour who delivers and redeems those who wait on Him.  The terrible circumstances for David and his people had just begun, yet in resolving to hope in God they found rest and refreshment.  The God who gives us breath is able to provide peace which allows us to breathe the free air of His grace, mercy and goodness.  David vacated the throne of Israel with the realisation God is on the throne over all, and this knowledge ought to refresh us in every season of life.

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