06 April 2021

A Divine Demonstration

One of my favourite "I Love Lucy" episodes growing up was titled "Sales Resistance," where Lucy is unable to resist a smooth-talking salesman who throws a lump of dirt on her carpet.  Later in the episode Lucy tries the gimmick herself but things (of course!) do not go as planned.  Demonstrations are a tried and true sales technique to garner interest in products.  Television channels are dedicated to demonstrating the effectiveness of innovative items and results which can be yours for only three low payments of $19.99...but wait, there's more!  The audience gazes in wonder at the new improved towels, cleaning products, adhesives, ladders, knives and kitchen appliances which will revolutionise our lives.  Some say "Seeing is believing," and seeing that dirt lifted from the carpet in under 2 minutes flat meant Lucy was sold on that Handy-Dandy vacuum.  It is also said "A sucker is born every minute," but I digress.

God is not a con-man, a fast-talker whose aim is for us to "sign on the dotted line" with the hope of gain.  He does not promise and fail to deliver; God does not use vague language or hide important details in fine print.  There are no gimmicks with God because He operates out of genuine love and care for us.  We are not potential customers He hopes to take advantage nor is He the brains of a pyramid scheme where He sits at the top and enjoys luxurious benefits from our labours.  Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  God demonstrated His love for sinners by Jesus dying on Calvary, and demonstrated His power over sin and death through the resurrection.  The risen Saviour Jesus showed all who trust in Him will rise to eternal life in glory, and this should be far more compelling than Flex Tape and vacuums.  There are many items sold we do not need, and the atoning blood of Jesus meets our greatest need for forgiveness, salvation and eternal life.

"As Seen on TV" is a selling point for items, yet no item or product devised by man can compare with Jesus Christ, the Creator and Saviour of the world who lives forever!  The Bible is the word of God which is trustworthy and verifiable.  The eye-witness accounts of hundreds of people who saw Jesus in the flesh after He was risen cannot be laid aside as meaningless.  The resurrection life of Jesus Christ is being lived out in the flesh every day in the lives of Christians into whom God has filled with His glory through the Holy Spirit.  The testimony of a transformed mind, heart and life cannot be spoken against when all the credit is given to God who makes us new creations by the Gospel of grace.  Demonstrations are effective when they seem to meet a need we know we have, and the resurrection is the same.  You may not realise your need for love and forgiveness from God and thus shrug off the demonstration of Christ's life, death and resurrection.  If you want to go to heaven, faith in Jesus is the only way to get there as demonstrated by His ascension.

Salvation through faith in Jesus is a limited-time offer during our lives on earth.  Should we die in our sins we will be judged and condemned forever, and all who receive the free gift of salvation and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour will be redeemed forever.  Jesus once for all provided the payment for us to be saved, and the most riveting demonstrations on television cannot compare with God's love for you.  This truth isn't only for the unbeliever but for the lukewarm Christian as well:  Jesus stands at the door and bids you open to Him.  Jesus does not knock because He wants to sell you something, but because He wants to come into you and enjoy fellowship with you because He loves you.  God's not after our money but desires our love and affections because He is worthy.

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