13 August 2022

Joy Unspeakable

I was encouraged to consider the Genesis 18 passage where God spoke with Abraham concerning His plans to investigate the cry that came up before Him from Sodom and Gomorrah.  After Abraham stood still at this revelation from God Genesis 18:23 says, "And Abraham came near and said, "Would You also destroy the righteous with the wicked?"  Though he considered himself dust and ashes, Abraham humbly but boldly approached God to plead for the lives of the righteous in the city.  He was convinced the Judge of all the earth would do right, and He certainly made a distinction between the righteous and wicked.

Abraham wondered if God would destroy the city if there were 50 righteous people among them, and God agreed He would spare the whole city for the sake of the righteous.  Abraham continued to petition the LORD concerning if there was 45, 40, 30, 20 and even 10 righteous within the city, and every time God was willing to spare the whole city should 10 righteous be found there.  It turned out there was not even 10 in the city, and God sent angels to lead Lot and his household from the city fit for destruction, for the LORD is merciful.  It was a beautiful reminder of God's desire to save lives rather than destroy them, and He delights to deliver.

Even as God is willing to prevent destruction, there are times when He allows it.  God has answered many prayers to save lives, restore broken marriages, heal from life-threatening illness, and cure incurable conditions because people sought Him in prayer.  There are also people who have suffered the loss of a child in an accident or sickness, people who have been divorced, people whose lives were destroyed by affairs, by rape, abuse and even murdered.  God who delivered righteous Lot from Sodom is also able to heal broken hearts and comfort people after horrible, hurtful things happen.  It is faith in the goodness of God as revealed in scripture that causes us to walk with God and draw near to Him when the unthinkable has come to pass and we are reeling like Job over painful loss.  I have no doubt God could prevent every disaster, but I also must realise He can redeem the worst, unjust wickedness of man to accomplish infinite good.

How do I know this?  Consider the cross:  Jesus Christ the Son of God was crucified on Calvary, not for any crime or sin He committed, but because it was God's way to provide atonement to save sinners.  It is not for us to suggest or suppose how God could redeem a tragic situation to justify the loss, suffering or pain others or we have experienced for His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.  What we can know in our confusion and pain is Jesus is risen and able to comfort, heal, help, redeem and save us.  Only God knows how many times He has averted disaster from our lives, and in the midst of trouble we are wise to draw near to Him because He is our only hope.  In the depths of heartbreak let us not abandon our only consolation and salvation, for the resurrection of Jesus shows how God alone can turn our sorrows into joy unspeakable that will endure forever.

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