21 October 2022

Overcoming the World

Since moving to Australia years ago I have kept an eye on local baseball and football teams I supported from a young age.  The San Diego Padres have advanced in the playoffs through formidable opposition, some comparing their improbable victories to David over Goliath.  It is a common analogy employed when a big underdog beats a heavily-favoured opponent in sports, but it isn't a biblically accurate one.  

David was not an underdog:  he had no business being on the same battlefield.  The Padres and the teams they faced are all professional teams with players who honed their skills over a lifetime--and are paid handsomely for it.  Goliath was the giant champion of Gath and David was a teenage shepherd.  From a human vantage point, a true David and Goliath would be the Superbowl champion football team in a game of gridiron facing a team comprised of cheerleaders without any opportunity to prepare.  One combatant had state-of-the-art weaponry and protective equipment (with an assistant) while the other had 5 smooth stones and a sling.

The primary difference between David and Goliath was not their skill for battle, equipment or physical size.  What swung the odds of Goliath's victory to nil was his gods were powerless to help him and David fought by faith in the living God Who is mighty to save.  God had previously delivered David from the paw of the lion and bear, and David was convinced God would deliver him from the cursing Philistine before whom all Israel cowered from in fear.  David was not like a "Cinderella" team who had no business being at the Ball but was enabled to attend through the magical power of a Fairy Godmother who appeared in her time of need:  God had been with David all along.  God guided, protected and strengthened David for battle when he obeyed his dad to carry supplies to the front lines.

After David's brother insulted him in a rage 1 Samuel 17:29 reads, "And David said, "What have I done now? Is there not a cause?"  David was indignant Goliath had been permitted to curse God and his people and no one had done anything to stand up for Him.  David was not moved by national pride, the defense of his king, family or land, but saw a cause and opportunity to honour and glorify God by taking a step of faith to face the giant himself.  He would not be alone, for God was with him to deliver and save him.  David defeating Goliath is not the unexpected triumph of the underdog but a demonstration of how faith in God makes His children overcomers by faith, and this is the victory that overcomes the world.

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