01 August 2024

Praying and Waiting

Enjoyable and profitable conversation occurs when people are attentive to one another, listening and speaking in turn.  This exchange of ideas and deepening of relationship is greatly hindered if one does all the talking, if they habitually interrupt one another, or walks away without listening.  Every culture has its own nuance of what constitutes polite manners and decorum while conversing with one another, and consideration of the feelings and views of others is generally a good approach.

Ironically, our approach to conversing with people can be practically ignored in our prayers to God.  I have been guilty of doing all the talking and not taking a moment to still my heart and be silent before King Jesus, barging into his presence as if He does not know what I'm going to say.  I have made the mistake Peter did when Jesus was transfigured before his eyes, speaking because he did not know what to say.  When I have sought God's guidance and wisdom concerning a matter, I have rushed on without even waiting for an answer.  What folly!  In our communication with God this is more than bad manners, for our hearts can be tinged with unbelief and arrogance:  we have prayed, so we can assume we have God's blessing to do as we will.

I have observed that often when people say, "I prayed about it" in relation to seeking God's guidance, very seldom do they ever volunteer a clear answer from God.  In explaining how they know God's answer, typically people appeal to how they feel, that they "have a peace" about a certain course of action.  Interpreting past or current circumstances are also a means people employ to discern God's "answer."  Let me encourage you, dear Christian, that when you make petitions of the LORD for guidance and direction that you determine not to take action unless He speaks to you.  Now God can use our circumstances, things other people said, His word--really anything--to communicate His truth to our hearts.  Because the Bible is God's word and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, He helps us to understand the scripture and to submit our lives to Him.  People pray all the time to all kinds of things, thus praying does not mean we have heard God say anything.

God's promise in Psalm 91:15 is relevant to every Christian: "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him."  God has promised to answer us, but have we waited for Him to speak before we did what we thought best?  Jeremiah 33:2-3 says, "Thus says the LORD who made it, the LORD who formed it to establish it (the LORD is His name): 3 'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'"  What a strange thing it would be to call a friend on the phone and hang up before there was opportunity for them to answer!  Now God may not answer our questions immediately as we kneel before Him, but we are called to be praying without ceasing and to make our requests known to God.  We can continue to bring our supplication and intercession before Him when it comes to mind throughout the day and night, and we are called to wait for His clear answer He has promised and is faithful to give.

Saying, "I prayed about it" is not sound justification to do as we please.  Saul's prayers went unanswered because he was unwilling to repent of his pride and would not heed what God said.  Many of our prayers may be met with prolonged silence for the same reason.  Let us be those who are quick to listen, slow to speak and faithful to heed the word of God He has given us in the Bible.  When we call upon the LORD He will answer us, and we can have confidence to do what God requires of us by His grace.  Daniel did not pray and then run to king Nebuchadnezzar with an interpretation until God clearly answered Him, and we ought to follow his godly example.  Are we willing to lose sleep to hear God's voice?  Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!"

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