14 November 2010

More than Appreciation

I'm preparing a Bible study for Tuesday night, and I was deeply challenged by the introduction.  I find that God must challenge me first so I can properly convey the truth of His Word to others.  Hopefully it is an exhortation you too will find profitable!
Can man ever appreciate God enough? Our appreciation is limited by our awareness. An infant which is practically blind and without understanding has hardly the capacity to appreciate all the parents have done for his survival and growth. What pains a pregnant mother takes in eating food and dietary supplements which promote heath, and abstains from drink and activities which could do harm. What of the purchase of clothes, buying a crib, a safety seat for the car, cleaning wipes, diapers, ointments, and the arranging of a nursery? The child realizes none of this. The baby cries when he is hungry, feels the stab of a gas pain, or when he is held in the arms of a stranger. But appreciation? This the child in his immaturity can hardly conceive of himself, much less appreciate anything.

The danger is this child will later in life take for granted all the love and blessings given by his parents. He will assume there is goodness in him which makes him unworthy of anything less than what he wants, and in fact deserves much more than his parents have provided. This is the place where Christians can find themselves, goaded by selfish desires to wallow in discontent while disillusioned by entitlement. What great things God has done for us, and how easily we forget the blessings we have received by God’s grace! God does not simply free us from the pit, but adopts us as sons. He does not punish us according to our iniquities, but rewards us according to his grace and mercies. He does not doom us to eternal servitude in chains under a grievous yoke of oppression, but God delights to make us kings and priests unto God for His glory. No longer outcasts, we are co-heirs with Christ! Gone is our guilt, and replaced with joy, comfort, and rest forevermore! Instead of lamenting what we do not have, let us rejoice in who we have in Christ! Let us spend more time thanking God for who He is than begging Him to give us what we want. After all, we have been created by God for God, and He is our Redeemer and Savior whom we owe all things. Isn’t more than appreciation in order?

12 November 2010

What's up? A quick look...

Last night I went with John and Tina Graves to the house of Paul and Christina for a Thanksgiving meal and celebration.  2010 will mark the second time in five years the I will spend the American holiday of Thanksgiving outside of the U.S.  It was fun to watch a downloaded football game ("gridiron" in AUS) and sit around the table with friends new and old.  No one cooks a Thanksgiving meal like my dad or grandpa, but it was delicious just the same.

No matter where I am or what I eat, I can give thanks to the same God.  Celebrating a holiday is so different from house to house, especially from country to country!  The more and more I experience in Australia, the more I am struck by differences.  When I woke up this morning, I did the washing (laundry) and hung it outside to dry.  I vacuumed the pool, read my Bible, played with the dog, and tried to figure out why my computer keeps crashing when I watch streaming video.  Just the daily morning routine on a Saturday!

I'm growing a mustache with Ian (worship and youth leader from church) in honor of Movember, an Australian fundraiser to bring awareness and supply money for men's health, specifically prostate cancer and depression.  Abel cracked me up on Skype when he said, "So instead of Thanksgiving you have Movember all month?"  One of the catchphrases is "Grow a mo, help save a bro."  How mustache can be shortened to "mo" I'll never understand.  Some people say it is rhyming slang, but it doesn't rhyme at all!  But they do both start with an "m!"  It's probably better than saying, "Grow a stache, give some cash..."

Tomorrow I hope to shoot some clips of people at church to make a video to show at church back in the States to introduce them personally to their Aussie brothers and sisters in Christ at Calvary Chapel Sydney.  We put in an application to rent a house in a suburb near the church and we're praying that God would open that door.  Our household goods are due to arrive on December 16th, and the house will be available on December 17th so that would be perfect.  It seems like an ideal setup, and may God's will be done!  We're still waiting on our FBI background checks and need to schedule physicals for the visa completion.

After preaching at CC Sydney Sunday morning, on Tuesday God willing I will lead a Bible study at a local home fellowship.  I'm still thinking and praying about what the text from scripture will be.  On Friday, Ian, Paul, and myself are scheduled to fly to Perth and drive five hours to Calvary Chapel Albany to attend the Word Conference.  It should be an awesome time to hear gifted speakers, meet up with Christians from all over Australia, and enjoy worship and fellowship.  God willing the travel will be smooth and seamless.

The longer I travel this path of faith in Christ, the more I realize I am a pathetic man who needs His strength.  There are continual temptations to cease setting my mind on things above, and set it on things of this earth.  I read a passage from A Minister's Obstacles by Turnbull that gave me encouragement.  "...They never made Bunyan a doctor of divinity nor anything else of that honorable sort.  But three degrees had already been granted to him that neither Cambridge nor Oxford could either give or withhold: 'to wit, union with Christ; the anointing of the Spirit, and much experience of temptation" (pg. 73-74).  God has seen fit to give me the first two degrees by his grace, and I am determined to obtain the third by his grace as well.  God help me!

Praise the LORD that He is unchangeable and not limited by location or time restraints!  I am experiencing grueling separation from my wife and kids, but when I look to the LORD I find in Him all I need.  It is not easy but no trial was ever intended to be!  It is through separation that our priorities are re-focused, and our weaknesses and false supports are revealed by God to us.  The house we desire to rent is on "Supply Court" which was another reminder of God's promise to me and all believers in Philippians 4:19: "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  What more shall I say?  If Christ is for me, who can be against me?

10 November 2010

Peace With God

I was driving down the street today and observed a church sign which read:  "Jesus came to earth to make peace with us."  Interesting, I thought, because I couldn't disagree more.  Jesus did not come to earth to make peace with men:  He came to earth so men could have peace with God.  There's a big difference.  God did nothing to separate or ostracize mankind from Him, nor did He declare war on man at any time.  It is man who rebelled and sinned against God!  It is man who declared in the Garden of Eden that he would not submit to the rule, authority, or commands of God.  It is man who wars against God, not God with man.  If that was the case, the battle would have been over long ago!  And contrary to the opinion of some, God would have won!

Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, through faith we are forgiven and His righteousness is imputed to our account.  Romans 5:1-2 reads:  "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."  Again, we see scripture confirm that man has peace with God through Jesus, not Jesus making peace with man.  Man is at enmity with God, and it is we who must yield.  Jesus led the way in humility.  Although Jesus is God in human form, He made Himself of no reputation. took upon Himself the form of a servant, and made Himself obedient to death, even the death of the cross.

Do you have peace with God?  Jesus brings peace for everyone who repents and trusts in Him.  He promises in John 14:27:  "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  Instead of demanding that God reveal Himself to us, why don't we ask Him to open our eyes?  Why don't we cling to His promises in faith?  God has spoken, God has revealed Himself, and God sent His only Son to save us from our sins.  If that's not good enough for us, then we aren't worthy of Him!

Use the Word!

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God..."
Ephesians 6:17

As I read this scripture yesterday, a powerful realization come to mind.  If the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit, than it is the implement He uses to do His searching work.  When we remove the Word of God from preaching or evangelism, it renders Him without His weapon!  Think of this in terms of warfare:  take away the pilot's jet and he is grounded; remove the gun from the sniper's hands and he is neutralized.  If we desire the power of the Holy Spirit to impact the hearts, minds, and lives of others, we are fools to substitute clever sayings or logical postulates for the Word of God.  We unknowingly play the hypocrite when we ask God's Spirit to move and neglect the use of His Word.

Hebrews 4:12 reads, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."  Another potential is that we would blunt the Word of God by softening the message.  To intentionally change a single word because we think it would be cause for offense is grave sin.  If God calls something sin, we too must call it sin.  If God says something is "abominable," then we cannot substitute the phrases "less than what God would have" or "not ideal" or "a bad idea" to describe that thing:  it is an abomination because God has said so.  The world may not agree, and even we might struggle to accept the truth because of personal inconvenience!  When we refuse to allow God's Word to retain the sharp, piercing power in the Holy Spirit's hands, we hinder God's work.

What a powerful testimony when a believer actually carries the Word of God with him for the purpose of illuminating God's truth to others.  God will bless this richly.  When I worked in construction, it was easy for me to carry a copy of God's word in my lunchbox.  I remember a conversation I had in the galley of a ship with a co-worker who had questions about God.  Even the way I looked up passages impressed him.  "You really do know that book, don't you?"  But it was nothing that I said, no carefully crafted argument, not a single word of mine that impacted that man who later made a confession of faith in Christ.  I was not around him when it happened!  He came up to me later and said that there was a verse he could not escape:  "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)  The Holy Spirit used that single verse to break down his defenses, silence every argument, recognize his need for salvation, and change his eternal destiny.

God has graciously given us His Word:  it is up to us to use it faithfully!  To do so we must immerse ourselves in the Bible, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us.  Would an infantryman be ashamed of his machine gun?  Or would a samurai feel awkward to carry his katana into battle?  God's Word is not to be like one of those swords made for "display only" that are shiny, blunt, and hang on hooks fastened to the wall.  Those who beat people with the Word are not using it led by the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit will never use it to beat people, but to surgically slice right through every defense and expose every sinful thought and intention for the ultimate purpose of redemption, reconciliation, and God-glorification.  God's Word is living, sharp, and powerful, and when quickened by the Holy Spirit it is devastating to the forces of wickedness in this world.  It is the primary thing God uses against the sin-hardened hearts and consciences of men.  The is nothing as confrontational to the flesh as God's truth.  Let us seek mastery of it as we are taught, led, and empowered by the Holy Spirit!