20 September 2013

God Lifts Up the Fallen

When someone falls on the ground, what is your response?  Do you laugh?  Stop and stare?  Do you carefully walk around the fallen because someone else has already stooped to help?

Do you run to lift the fallen up?  If you know the one who has fallen are you embarrassed for them - or more embarrassed for yourself? 

The simple act of falling can have devastating consequences.  The person who falls bears not only the brunt of the impact, but also the potential stigma of harsh judgments from others.

As Christians, may we be people who are quick to help those who have fallen, whether physically or spiritually.  I think it is easier to accept that someone has fallen physically than spiritually.  Perhaps for years we have viewed someone as a tower of strength who ultimately proved to be weak as any other man, and their fall into sin has left us gutted, disillusioned, even angry.  Let us be those who give grace and seek in a spirit of meekness to restore such a one to fellowship with the LORD and others.  Those who think they stand are warned to take heed lest they fall.

Falling is part of walking, and sin is part of our life here on earth.  Let us admit our failings and when we have fallen, seek aid from the Great Physician Jesus Christ.  We are not too proud to go to the doctor when the pain becomes unbearable, but sometimes we think in spiritual matters we are above falling or requiring assistance to begin the healing process.  Jeremiah 17:14 reads, "Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise."  We don't need insurance to have God's assurance.  God is the lifter of our head!

18 September 2013

Ready for Real

Yesterday morning I picked up my parents from the airport to kick off their two-week stay with us.  It is a blessing to our family fly down under to visit with us.  Thank you to those who sent letters and goodies along with them, an unexpected treat!  I have been feverishly working to finish my "work" so we can do things together at a relaxed pace.

When I visited the States in June, ironically I helped out with booking this trip.  It was placed on the calendar months ago.  There were many things we have successfully prepared for:  ordering a bed for the re-arranged guest room, organising things to be brought over, inquiring with friends about things to do and see, and planning for the upcoming conference and projects.  But regardless of all the work we have done, it seems like things slipped through the cracks - things like lunch!  For months we knew my parents were coming, but we never thought to put together a menu or daily calendar.  We're jumping right on it...better late than never, I suppose.

It is very easy to be caught up in the daily activities and lose sight of the thing Jesus often reminds us in scripture:  "Behold, I come quickly!"  Being ready in our minds and ready in reality are two different things.  How many times did we know a birthday or special day was coming up and we neglected to buy the card, make the phone call, book the trip, do all the things we fully intended and desired to do because we were busy about other things?  Let's make sure that our Father's business is our highest priority!  Someday it will be too late.  Why regret when we can rejoice in a job well done?

15 September 2013

The Better Offer

There is an intriguing passage in Judges 17-18 which speaks of Micah, his idols, and priest.  One of the best and useful sermons I have ever heard was drawn out of this passage by Paris Reidhead titled, "10 Shekels and a Shirt."  Micah hired a Levite to become the priest over his household.  The Levite was pleased with the terms offered him and agreed to serve Micah - that is, until he received a better offer!  When men from the tribe of Dan came with a hidden purpose to steal Micah's ephod and idols, the Levite who posed as a priest confronted them.  They said, "Why don't you come with us?  At the moment you are only priest over a household:  wouldn't it be better for you to be priest over an entire tribe?"  Judges 18:20 reveals his response:  "So the priest's heart was glad; and he took the ephod, the household idols, and the carved image, and took his place among the people."  Like many people, the Levite was only loyal until a better offer came along.

I wonder how many people decide to serve Christ because they see Him as a better offer than what the world initially provided.  The trouble is, the devil is like the Godfather who knows how to make offers men can't refuse.  Everyone who makes a deal with him ends up dying in the end!  Loyal Christians remain faithful to Christ not because He has given them a "better offer," but because only in Him is found forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.  Jesus told a parable in Matthew 20 which set forth a scenario involving a vineyard owner seeking labourers.  He promised to give the willing workers "what was right," fair wages for a day's work.  At the end of the day, all the workers lined up who had been hired to receive their wages.  We are like the workers the vineyard owner has recruited to serve in His vineyard for wages.  Jesus says if we will believe in Him we will receive eternal life.  Those who worked through the whole day received exactly what the master had promised.

Now imagine you are one of those workers in the vineyard.  Just after lunch as you are toiling away, a well-dressed man in a suit walks up to you.  "Working hard, I see?" he says with a wry smile.  "You're working your hands to the bone for what, a denarius?  I think you're worth a bit more than that."  The work is hard and tiring, so he has your attention.  He continues:  "Tell you what:  you come over and work for me, and I'll put you in charge as a foreman and triple your wage."  As you think it over, something doesn't seem right.  The backstory is you have never in your life made a denarius a day.  In fact, you've never had a paying job!  In addition, the master of the vineyard actually paid the fee to free you from life imprisonment for grave crimes.  He invited you to work for him, and you were grateful for the opportunity.  As you stand up, stretch your back, and wipe the sweat from your brow, you see the man nod and smile.  "So?  What will it be?  What's your decision?"  Now what do you do?

If you made the choice to leave the vineyard and follow the well-dressed man, it would be the most regrettable decision of your life.  It's true he paid well - for a while - but in the end you ended up being in greater debt than when you began.  You found yourself back on death row before long, alone and full of regret:  why did you walk away from the vineyard that day?  No offer this world can offer us is better than what God offers.  He gives us what is right by His grace.  What does it profit to gain the whole world and lose your own soul?  Only Christ has the words of life, for He is the Way, Truth, and Life.  The devil's offers may seem good initially, but his forked tongue only speaks lies.  Too many people have laid down their souls as collateral to pursue their desires, and it is a decision they will regret for eternity.

Following and serving Christ is not the easy way, but it is the best way.  It is a good way.  Psalm 16:11  says of our God:  "You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."  Money cannot provide life, fullness of joy, or lasting sweetness.  Jesus freely offers all these things if we will repent and trust in Him.  Let us choose this day whom we will serve.  The scriptures teach us following God is the wise choice.  Choose to stay faithful to our God, no matter what other offers may come along.

13 September 2013

He Holds the Reins

Some people have the impression that the Christian life is one of restrictive rules.  In fact, quite the opposite is true:  in Christ we have freedoms never before possible, either apart from God or under the Old Covenant of the Law of Moses.  The Bible tells us all people are born sinners, spiritually blinded by darkness, chained and imprisoned awaiting everlasting judgment.  Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind, make the lame to walk, cleanse the lepers, release people from their chains, and raise the dead.  He is the Light of the World that has shined in the darkness, and only He has the words of life.

God does not bring us out of our bondage to Satan, sin, and death, and herd Christians into kennels.  We are no longer shackled in a prison, but are set free.  We have absolute freedom in Christ without fences, walls, chains, a life without guards in turrets armed with high-powered rifles who wait for any excuse to shoot.  God governs us in a completely different way than some might think.  The Holy Spirit leads us from within.  The way the Holy Spirit leads us could be compared to an expert rider holding the reins on a horse.  He does not hem us in with the bars and gates of a corral, but moves us with a gentle tap of the heel, a quiet command understood by our opened ears, and directs us through a tug on the reins.  It is for us to decide if we will heed His guidance or go our own way.  The world sees Christianity as a cramped corral, but in actuality it is a wide-open meadow with plenty of grazing and clean drinking water.  In the presence of our Owner we remain under His protection and care.  He feeds and waters us, scrubs us clean, and tends to our wounds.  We are ever safe with Him, and He has the best plan for our future.

Unless you have experienced a life with God by His grace, this loving relationship cannot be understood or appreciated.  Even those who are born again cannot express fully the thankfulness we have for the God who rescued us in our distress and saved us.  Horses and people are alike in that before we can be useful we must be broken.  God employs many means to break a man, but all healing is found through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.  Once we learn to submit to His control, we are led out of the paddock and a whole new world opens to us.  As our relationship grows with God so does our trust, and only God knows where He will lead you!  Praise God for His love and gracious governance!