18 September 2013

Ready for Real

Yesterday morning I picked up my parents from the airport to kick off their two-week stay with us.  It is a blessing to our family fly down under to visit with us.  Thank you to those who sent letters and goodies along with them, an unexpected treat!  I have been feverishly working to finish my "work" so we can do things together at a relaxed pace.

When I visited the States in June, ironically I helped out with booking this trip.  It was placed on the calendar months ago.  There were many things we have successfully prepared for:  ordering a bed for the re-arranged guest room, organising things to be brought over, inquiring with friends about things to do and see, and planning for the upcoming conference and projects.  But regardless of all the work we have done, it seems like things slipped through the cracks - things like lunch!  For months we knew my parents were coming, but we never thought to put together a menu or daily calendar.  We're jumping right on it...better late than never, I suppose.

It is very easy to be caught up in the daily activities and lose sight of the thing Jesus often reminds us in scripture:  "Behold, I come quickly!"  Being ready in our minds and ready in reality are two different things.  How many times did we know a birthday or special day was coming up and we neglected to buy the card, make the phone call, book the trip, do all the things we fully intended and desired to do because we were busy about other things?  Let's make sure that our Father's business is our highest priority!  Someday it will be too late.  Why regret when we can rejoice in a job well done?

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