In my primary school years I enjoyed the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. With plenty of pictures set in exotic locations, reading those books was almost like a game because the reader's decisions affected the outcome of the story. At the bottom of the pages you could choose an action which directed you to a numbered page to continue to story. One choice would bring you closer to treasure and the other ended in death as frogmen cut your oxygen supply. The one thing I didn't like about the books is sometimes no matter what choices you made, the outcome was always a disaster. I can't count how many times I retraced my steps and changed my decisions along the way, but it seemed there were no happy or victorious endings possible. If this was the case, it was onto the next book to seek the ever-elusive satisfactory ending. Besides, the school library had heaps of them.
The life of faith in following Jesus is always and adventure, and has the best ending: eternal life in God's presence in heaven. Yet at the same time every day God gives everyone the freedom to make choices which affect our life on earth now and all eternity. Because God is "in control" we might assume people are no more than pawns or robots which do His divine bidding. The Bible reveals this is not the case. God has made His will known through scripture, but He allows people to make choices which are completely opposed to His will. He permits things to happen we would certainly prevent if we were in charge! There is a meekness, grace, and patience demonstrated in God's character which is entirely foreign to human beings. Though He is God over all, He created men with the capacity to freely choose - to live as a god of sorts - not as animals governed by instinct. When we willingly choose to lay down our will to submit to His own in faith, it demonstrates we actually love and trust God. Because God allowed man to have a will of his own and freedom to choose, it is very significant in God's eyes when we choose to obey Him.
If God is not threatened by giving men the freedom for real choice, we should respect the freedoms of others to choose as well. Totalitarian governments and regimes rule by force and fear, but God rules with infinitely greater power through love, grace, acceptance, and righteousness. To choose to follow Jesus and walk in love allows men to embark on the greatest adventure in the universe, for it is the first step in truly knowing and understanding the almighty God who created and first loved us. True adventure and satisfaction isn't found by traveling to exotic locations or having all the world has to offer, but in knowing God. It is written in Jeremiah 9:23-24: "Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 24 but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD."
Like there were plenty of "Choose Your Own Adventure" books at my primary school, the world holds forth numerous offerings to attract us. Consider your own experience for a second: no matter the promise or how high our expectations, regardless how profound an experience, we are always left hungry and wanting more, bigger, better. Even before the ride at the amusement park was over we were wanting to ride it again. During an amazing holiday we thought about how the next one could be better. Genuine satisfaction and contentment is found through faith in Jesus Christ. Life as a child of God is amazing. When He leads you on an adventure, it will be the thrill of your life that never ends. To know God and to know He loves me! It doesn't get any better than that.