What a treasure we hold in our hands when we open our Bibles! Today a friend sent me an email which included some of my favourite verses, Hebrews 12:1-3: "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3
For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls." It was a great reminder for a weary soul tempted to lose heart through discouragement. Our focus is often on our problems, opposition, or failures rather than laying aside every weight and looking to Jesus.
How easily weariness comes to the human soul! We can be weary in mind and body, weary of routine, tired of toil and seemingly fruitless labour. And if we only look to immediate, physical proof of fruitfulness it may be we see nothing to show for our efforts. This is most depressing! Sometimes it feels like efforts to make disciples are hopeless, even as Ephraim was cursed in Hosea 9:14 with a "miscarrying womb and dry breasts." Reading through Hebrews 11 reminds all who have ears to hear and hearts to understand God is leading us on a road embraced through faith demonstrated by obedience. It is trusting God and obeying His Word even when it seems to be pointless. It is willingly choosing to suffer affliction as a child of God rather than seeking satisfaction for the flesh. The Christian walk is not always about great victories and feats of strength but the everyday grind of following Jesus in humility and repentance, being thrown off your feet, but choosing to rely on God's strength to stand up again with sword at the ready.
Everyone who chooses the path of faith in God will face opposition and persecution. Yet all who rely upon God will be given the strength, fortitude, and endurance to see their race through to the end with joy. The great prophets of God were often despised and ridiculed. They spoke God's truth but were ignored and shunned. Through the ages men and women have been killed for their refusal to cave to ungodly demands. As the disciples of Jesus Christ He is our example we admire, adore, and follow. He was rejected by those He loved, betrayed by one He had chosen, and forsaken by His friends. He willingly faced the brutality of the cross and separation from the Father for the sins of the world with joy. When Jesus breathed His last on the cross no one except God could have known what had been accomplished, for in His death He conquered sin and death for eternity. Jesus endured to the end of His course with joy, and it is fitting for His disciples to do the same knowing we are victorious forever by His grace.
Look unto Jesus today, believer. Lay aside every weight and sins which easily ensnare us. Let us run the race God has set before us as we fix our eyes on our worthy Saviour. He knows what you are facing better than you do, and He smiles upon you today. Won't you hold His gaze and run for Him? We're called to look to Jesus and run. He will see we make it to our destination.
How easily weariness comes to the human soul! We can be weary in mind and body, weary of routine, tired of toil and seemingly fruitless labour. And if we only look to immediate, physical proof of fruitfulness it may be we see nothing to show for our efforts. This is most depressing! Sometimes it feels like efforts to make disciples are hopeless, even as Ephraim was cursed in Hosea 9:14 with a "miscarrying womb and dry breasts." Reading through Hebrews 11 reminds all who have ears to hear and hearts to understand God is leading us on a road embraced through faith demonstrated by obedience. It is trusting God and obeying His Word even when it seems to be pointless. It is willingly choosing to suffer affliction as a child of God rather than seeking satisfaction for the flesh. The Christian walk is not always about great victories and feats of strength but the everyday grind of following Jesus in humility and repentance, being thrown off your feet, but choosing to rely on God's strength to stand up again with sword at the ready.
Everyone who chooses the path of faith in God will face opposition and persecution. Yet all who rely upon God will be given the strength, fortitude, and endurance to see their race through to the end with joy. The great prophets of God were often despised and ridiculed. They spoke God's truth but were ignored and shunned. Through the ages men and women have been killed for their refusal to cave to ungodly demands. As the disciples of Jesus Christ He is our example we admire, adore, and follow. He was rejected by those He loved, betrayed by one He had chosen, and forsaken by His friends. He willingly faced the brutality of the cross and separation from the Father for the sins of the world with joy. When Jesus breathed His last on the cross no one except God could have known what had been accomplished, for in His death He conquered sin and death for eternity. Jesus endured to the end of His course with joy, and it is fitting for His disciples to do the same knowing we are victorious forever by His grace.
Look unto Jesus today, believer. Lay aside every weight and sins which easily ensnare us. Let us run the race God has set before us as we fix our eyes on our worthy Saviour. He knows what you are facing better than you do, and He smiles upon you today. Won't you hold His gaze and run for Him? We're called to look to Jesus and run. He will see we make it to our destination.