Diligence is a good virtue to cultivate. It is easy with the busyness of life to procrastinate or neglect important duties. We start tasks with good intentions but for some reason completing them can elude us for weeks, months, and years. We are exhorted in whatever we do in Colossians 3:23 to do it heartily as unto the LORD. God requires stewards to be faithful, and in His strength we can do all He asks of us.
Jesus said in Luke 16:10, "He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much." Because we are limited by time, ability, and resources, we prioritise tasks. The completion of tasks large or small requires commitment with focused labour to that end. It helps when we prioritise unfinished tasks (in most cases) before we embark on new ones. Progressing and completing even a small task moves us in a positive direction.
Whenever I have a new book to read (I have a bit of a pile at the moment!), for me placing a bookmark within the pages is a commitment to finish that book. Not all books which we begin reading are worthy of being completed, but for me the bookmark is a helpful - even a necessary reminder to finish what I have started. Finishing a book is a little thing in the scope of life, but the words of Jesus remind me how important faithfulness and diligence are. What we say we should do, and even a little scrap of paper sends a message I have made a commitment and should follow through.
Are there any commitments or tasks you have begun but for whatever reason have remained undone? At the culmination of a life lived for the LORD He will commend His faithful servants. Life is comprised of countless little jobs, and at the end of every little task done unto the LORD we can take to heart His words: "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the LORD." My commitment can be weak and faulty, but our God is faithful to supply our every need. Praise the LORD He is fully committed to us and will never leave or forsake us!
Jesus said in Luke 16:10, "He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much." Because we are limited by time, ability, and resources, we prioritise tasks. The completion of tasks large or small requires commitment with focused labour to that end. It helps when we prioritise unfinished tasks (in most cases) before we embark on new ones. Progressing and completing even a small task moves us in a positive direction.
Whenever I have a new book to read (I have a bit of a pile at the moment!), for me placing a bookmark within the pages is a commitment to finish that book. Not all books which we begin reading are worthy of being completed, but for me the bookmark is a helpful - even a necessary reminder to finish what I have started. Finishing a book is a little thing in the scope of life, but the words of Jesus remind me how important faithfulness and diligence are. What we say we should do, and even a little scrap of paper sends a message I have made a commitment and should follow through.
Are there any commitments or tasks you have begun but for whatever reason have remained undone? At the culmination of a life lived for the LORD He will commend His faithful servants. Life is comprised of countless little jobs, and at the end of every little task done unto the LORD we can take to heart His words: "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the LORD." My commitment can be weak and faulty, but our God is faithful to supply our every need. Praise the LORD He is fully committed to us and will never leave or forsake us!