29 April 2018

Going Through the Motions?

Our God - my God - is indeed an awesome God!  I don't brag on Him nearly as much as He deserves.  He is powerful and personal, outrageously generous and gracious.  God hears prayers and answers in real time.

Last night was a perfect example:  I had turned on the water for a shower and prayed God would send rain, as Sydney has been dry lately.  I kid you not:  when I stepped out of the shower less than five minutes later rain had come!  Hearing the water dripping from the eaves and passing through the gutters brought a beaming smile to my face.  It is so easy to forget God is not delayed because He seems far away at times, but He is so near to each one of us.  Those who call upon Him can expect Him to answer in His time and way.

Our feeble frame is forgetful of God's presence.  We can go through the motions of prayer or reading and study of scripture and miss God.  I recently came across an example of this.  1 Samuel 28:5-6 says of King Saul, "When Saul saw the army of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart trembled greatly. 6 And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer him, either by dreams or by Urim or by the prophets."  Because God did not answer according to Saul's demand, he sought out counsel from a medium.  These verses only tell part of the story.  Saul went through the motions of inquiring of the LORD, and another scripture confirms his heart wasn't in it.  And we also cannot ignore the fact he had commanded the slaughter of the high priest who therefore could not aid him in the process.  1 Chronicles 10:13-14 says, "So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the LORD, because he did not keep the word of the LORD, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. 14 But he did not inquire of the LORD; therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse."

On the surface this appears to be a contradiction.  1 Samuel 28:6 says Saul inquired of the LORD, but 1 Chronicles 10:14 says he did not inquire of the LORD!  These verses can be easily reconciled by our own lives and experience.  Have you ever gone through the activity of prayer but you were distracted?  Have you ever read the Bible and after closing it would have struggled to repeat what you just read?  At times we have all done as Saul:  we have prayed without thought, when we were obstinate in sin, and planned to pursue our own will regardless of God's Word.  If we will pray, let us seek and inquire of the LORD, waiting upon Him.  The equivalent of the Philistines mustering against us is an impetus to prayer, but speaking words with our mouths does not mean we are joined with the Spirit of the holy God.

Praise the LORD He is gracious, compassionate, and answers the prayers of His humble servants!  Let's examine ourselves to see if we are going through the motions of prayer or confirm our inquiries are genuine.  If we aren't hearing much from God, it may be we aren't praying.

28 April 2018

The Need for Exhortation

"Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; 13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."
Hebrews 3:12-13

Lately I've been thinking about the believer's need for exhortation.  We are called to humbly receive exhortation and also exhort others as led by the Holy Spirit.  Based on the Hebrew passage which exhorts us to exhort one another daily, the Christian's need for frequent exhortation is fundamental as the unbeliever's need for the Gospel.  Without receiving the Gospel no man can be saved, and without exhortation our hearts tend towards hardness.  To exhort is to call near, invite, and entreat, whether it be to call out sin or to urge to do right. 

There is a difference between knowing what is right and doing what is right.  Humility before God and men puts us in a posture to receive exhortation from God's Word and other people.  Since God can speak through a donkey if He wills, it should not be a surprise He can even use unbelievers as His instruments to correct and instruct us as it suits Him.  There are many people who believe in God who do not follow Jesus, and there are many disciples of Jesus who lose their way because their hearts have been hardened by sin's deceitfulness.  This is one reason why genuine fellowship with other believers is a critical part in our spiritual health, growth, and fruitfulness.

As we go through our days, it is easy for us in difficult times to lose perspective.  The life of Jacob provides such an example after he sent his sons to Egypt to buy food.  After hearing a report of the rough treatment of his sons, how Simeon was required to remain in Egypt and Benjamin was required to go on the next trip, old Israel felt like all was against him.  Genesis 42:36 records his response to his sons under the weight of the trial:  "You have bereaved me: Joseph is no more, Simeon is no more, and you want to take Benjamin. All these things are against me."  Israel was wrong about Joseph and Simeon.  Joseph was alive and second in command in all Egypt, Simeon was kept safe, and Benjamin would be granted royal treatment upon arrival in Egypt.  Israel felt everything was against him when the Almighty God was for him.  Ultimately Israel caved out of necessity for food and allowed his sons to take Benjamin to Egypt, and sometimes it takes exhortation from others to prompt us to do what is right and needed.  After Israel obeyed revelation and blessing came.

How good it is to hear from God, and praise Him for using others to minister to our need - sometimes it is a word in season we didn't even know we needed.  As we follow Jesus in faith, let us plow up the fallow ground of our hearts so we might receive the good seed of God's word and the exhortations of others who urge us to cease from sin and honour God.

26 April 2018

Light, Gladness, Joy, and Honour

Wicked Haman sought to do the Jews harm and deceitfully wrote a law which commanded their destruction.  Messengers were sent out to 127 provinces that the Jews - all men, women, and children - were to be killed and their goods plundered on the 13th day of the 12th month.  The people were perplexed to hear this command, and the Jews grieved and mourned.  God used righteous Mordecai and queen Esther to make known the plot of Haman to king Ahasuerus, and Haman was hanged for his crimes.  But the law remained, for the laws of the Medes and Persians cannot be undone.

Though the old law could not be changed, the king granted Mordecai authority to write a new law.  The description of the new law is conveyed in Esther 8:11:  "...by these letters the king permitted the Jews who were in every city to gather together and protect their lives--to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the forces of any people or province that would assault them, both little children and women, and to plunder their possessions..."  The Jews were commanded to ready themselves on the 13th day of the 12th month to be avenged on their enemies.  In response to the new command throughout the land the people rejoiced and were glad.  See what is written in Esther 8:16-17:  "The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honour. 17 And in every province and city, wherever the king's command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a holiday. Then many of the people of the land became Jews, because fear of the Jews fell upon them."

I find this response remarkable!  Though the law remained that the Jews were to be slaughtered and killed on the 13th day of the 12th month, they rejoiced and celebrated the new law which commanded them to gather and defend themselves from their enemies.  Instead of darkness they had light; where once was gloom and sadness they had gladness and joy.  Dishonour had been replaced with honour, and many of the people chose to become Jews in light of their unity, power, and their great God who works such deliverance.  The new law prompted the Jews to gather for feasting and to proclaim a holiday.  Not really the sort of thing you would expect when the enemies were readying themselves to attack, is it?  If we knew the 13th day of the 12th month was coming, we might stockpile weapons and ammunition, devise a plan to defend from attack, and prepare for war.  But the Jews celebrated like they had already won - because they had.  God had overthrown the wicked schemes of their enemy and gave them all the authority and power they needed to defend themselves.

Isn't this a beautiful parallel of how the Christian ought to live in this world?  Because of our sin the Law condemns us to face the wrath of God and eternity in hell.  There is no escape from death which hunts down our bodies and souls.  But God, because of His great mercy towards sinners, sent Jesus Christ to seek and save the lost.  The Old Covenant of Law remains, yet through the shed blood of Jesus a New Covenant has been established on better promises.  Colossians 2:13-15 reads, "And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."  The Law that brought death was put to death by Jesus on the cross for all them who trust in Him, and it is in the power of Christ's resurrection we live.  Through Him we have light, gladness, joy, and honour.  Think of it!  The world dishonours Christ and those who follow Him, but we have honour from God by His grace.

We miss the mark when we respond with violence to those who oppose our Saviour, for He has declared victory through His resurrection.  It is an appalling contradiction when believers look to carnal weapons or law for safety when only God is our Deliverer and Help.  Though enemies of God rally together for the destruction of God's people, we can have light and be glad because our Saviour fights for us.  Jesus has promised to preserve and present us faultless before the Father with exceeding joy.  People throughout 127 provinces chose to become Jews though a law remained which demanded their blood because of the unity and joy of God's people.  May it be people in every nation, tribe, and tongue will chose to renounce a life of sin and follow Jesus because of the love, joy, and peace of God we can have in our Saviour who loves us.  It is fitting to close with Ephesians 3:20-21: "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

25 April 2018

Don't Feed the Birds!

I spent the first half of this week at the Collaroy Centre which hosted the "Refresh" conference put on by the Calvary Global Network.  It was a lovely spot with the benefits of sound biblical teaching, fellowship, and worship of God.  The lush area was home to many varieties of beautiful and loud birds like sulphur-crested cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets.  In the outdoor seating area signs were placed on the tables which read, "Do Not Feed the Birds."

There are several reasons provided in Australia for people to restrain themselves from feeding wild birds.  One reason is the offer of free food (which may not be the most healthy for them) can reduce their ability to forage for food in the wild.  If they are conditioned to regular feeding their diet will also not be as varied as it should be.  Whilst those are valid reasons, another reason is most likely why the Collaroy Centre prohibits people from feeding birds.  According to the ABC, "Animals that expect to be fed by people can become aggressive, harassing people for food when they are hungry."  Nobody trying to relax on the veranda wants to be swooped by aggressive, squawking birds, and birds have been known to rip into wood and do serious damage to property.

Thinking about feeding wild birds reminded me about what is written in Galatians 6:7-8: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."  The lustful desires of the flesh could be likened to wild birds that when fed become increasingly aggressive and do great damage.  Sulphur-crested cockatoos are notoriously persistent after they have targeted wood on your home.  Passive deterrents are often not enough!  Many people have been forced to guard their homes from the birds by netting and spraying the pesky parrots with the hose until they understand the house is not worth the trouble.  Feeding wild birds invites mischief, and choosing to feed the flesh creates far greater problems than money or hard labour alone can repair.  It creates sinful struggles you carry everywhere, and only Jesus can provide deliverance.

Sowing seeds will produce a crop according to the variety of seed sown, and when we sow to the flesh we will certainly reap corruption.  It is sowing to the Spirit - having the good Word of God implanted in our hearts and walking in obedience - which results in blessing and eternal life.  We do not earn salvation by our good works, but as born-again citizens of heaven we are divinely enabled to walk uprightly.  One cannot help the fact wild parrots roost nearby, but we should think twice before feeding them.  We all have fleshly desires, but they are to be governed in submission to God.  When it comes to seeking to placate the flesh in ways which do not edify or leads to sin, we must take intentional action to stop doing wrong, repent, and choose to do what is godly.  Passive deterrents may not be enough when the flesh has been stirred even by mistake.  Praise the LORD He has given us the wisdom from His Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to make godly decisions.

When we are vigilant to avoid indulging fleshly lusts, we create a safeguard for our lives and prevent trouble.  It is in seeking the LORD and doing what is right that results in enjoying the victory provided us through faith in Jesus.