When it comes to restoration of people, did you know God has already answered in the affirmative? He has done all the work required to restore lost souls to fellowship with Himself, redeeming lives from death by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Gospel we are not doomed to destruction (like many pieces of old furniture I have dismantled over the years) as God has extended His gracious offer of reconciliation to all sinners. Restoration ought not be reserved only from unregenerate to saved but from falling into sin and being lifted up.
After David sinned he sang in Psalm 51:12, "Restore
to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by
Your generous Spirit." It is of the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, and He delights to deliver and save. God restored David to the throne over all Israel after being usurped by Absalom. Following a long season of captivity in Babylon God restored His people to the land of their inheritance. Jesus restored the sight of the blind, and He restored a man's withered hand when stretched out in obedience. Jesus restored full health to a woman with a flow of blood, restored good posture to the woman bent double by a spirit of infirmity, and even restored the dead to life again.
Galatians 6:1 shows we too as followers of Christ are to walk in His steps: "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are
spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself
lest you also be tempted." As the LORD demonstrated love by restoring us to Himself through the Gospel, so we ought to restore others who have been overtaken in any trespass. Do we love people by gently restoring them, knowing we have been and are being restored by God's grace? God restores because He loves, and seeing that old bookshelf drove this home.