13 March 2023

Valuing Christ In Us

As a kid I was taught the value of saving money for planned purchases, not frivolously spending money for items I did not need or want.  I would store loose change in a piggy bank and sometimes deposit money in a bank account.  In those days it was not uncommon for me to make a purchase entirely with change--including pennies!  I remember dumping all the coins out, putting them in stacks that added to one dollar each, and made a mental note of how much I have saved.

Though I was pleased to see the change add up over the time, on many occasions I found something I would gladly trade every single one of them to buy and possess.  After several years of saving money, I almost emptied my bank account to buy a bicycle.  When I washed cars or mowed lawns for cash, part of the reason I was motivated was to finally own a Maui Blue 1987 GT Performer and ride around.  In my mind, a BMX bike was a worthy exchange for those dollars and cents.  Sadly we can adopt a transactional approach toward God, to give only in the expectation of a return--not realising all Jesus has already done and is for us.

In a parable Jesus told, a man found treasure in a field and was glad to sell all he had to buy the field--knowing the treasure was included in the purchase by the unwitting seller.  This man wisely counted the cost and was joyful though it cost him all, for he would gain exponentially more.  Sometimes Christians are unduly focused or concerned about what it means to "deny themselves" or how much they are required to give to follow Jesus.  The answer is sobering for those who value their lives most:  they must give all.  But like a kid who is happy to give all his money in exchange for a bike, the Christian wisely sees only benefit in the life Jesus Christ freely offers those who trust in Him.  Recognising His atoning sacrifice for us outshines every sacrifice we could ever make for God shifts our focus from ourselves and to our glorious Saviour Jesus.

The Christian walk is one of submission and obedience to God, denying ourselves, taking up our cross daily and following Jesus.  This death of self means the life of Jesus can now be lived out in the lives of the spiritually regenerated believer through faith in Christ.  Our old, sinful ways of thinking and feeling corrupted with pride, selfishness and lust can supernaturally give way to the love, mercy and grace of God at work in our hearts.  Even as we prefer an eternal place in heaven for ourselves rather than hell, we ought to desire and value the life of Jesus Christ at work in our own lives today.  Along with Paul we can say, "To live is Christ" because He is in us:  the Son of God Jesus Christ, the hope of glory.  Having experienced the real, lasting and abundant life by faith in Jesus, what of our lives before or since knowing Him can compare?

12 March 2023

Grace, Plagues and Wholeness

"And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague."
Mark 5:34 (KJV)

The wisdom of God is supremely superior to the wisdom of this world.  Believers who are partakers of God's grace and goodness have eyes that have been opened to perceive what was previously unknown by men and angels by the power of the Holy Spirit.  In Egypt God demonstrated His power over all the idols of the land by plagues, and in the New Testament God showed His authority and love by delivering people from them.  Who but God could have imagined a plague suffered over 12 years would be an impetus for woman to come to Jesus in faith?

The Gospel of Luke tells us this woman over a decade had become impoverished as she sought the aid of doctors who only made her physical condition worse.  This flow of blood made her ceremonially unclean to the Jews, cut her off from society and likely resulted in discomfort and fatigue.  Her aim was to be physically healed, but God's design was wholeness:  to heal her body from the plague, to save her soul and provide peace forever.  The severity of the plague was employed by God to draw her to Himself so she could experience spiritual wholeness that impacted body, heart, mind and soul.

It is important we realise God can and does use the painful and troubling situations of life to accomplish His good purposes and plans.  The death of Jesus on the cross reveals His redemptive power to take what Satan and wicked men intended for evil and turned it into an opportunity for salvation for all lost sinners.  Who are we to condemn God's means when He can achieve such ends?  We would foolishly avoid what is troubling and thus miss the miraculous opportunity for wholeness and perfect peace God stands waiting to provide by grace.  This passage and all of scripture affirms that in the worst situations of life, God's grace and mercy are not absent because He is always near to those who seek Him.

The woman could only think about being healed, and Jesus desired infinitely more than that.  Sometimes our best medicines and treatments are incapable of making a sick body or mind well; if left to our own devices not a single soul would be made whole or delivered from sin.  Praise be to God, for He who has the power to plague can restore health and bring wholeness.  Thus even in a plague or conflict that seems to have no end we can rejoice in the goodness of God and His grace to use it to draw us to Himself.

10 March 2023

The New Covenant is Better

"But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises."
Hebrews 8:6

When Jesus established a new covenant in His own blood, it was a covenant far superior to the covenant of the Law of Moses.  In our Friday night Bible study, we discussed Peter's introduction to the Jewish believers scattered from the land God promised to give them in 1 Peter 1:1-2:  "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: grace to you and peace be multiplied."  God's chosen people received the commands of God, and their entry into the land and future prosperity depended largely upon their obedience.

Moses took the blood of an animal sacrifice and sprinkled it upon the altar and the people.  The basic conditions of God's covenant was to obey His Law, offer sacrifices for the atonement of sin, and they would dwell in the land He promised to give them.  The new covenant, rather than depending upon the obedience of men, was dependent on the obedience of Jesus Christ.  He obeyed God in offering Himself as a sacrifice on Calvary to atone for lost sinners and provided entry into the kingdom of God, a heavenly kingdom where we will dwell in the glorious presence of God forever.  The Gospel is not a command to do but all about what Jesus has done, and by faith in Jesus we enter into the new covenant God has made for our salvation.  His resurrection from the dead shows Jesus is able to forgive sins and provide eternal life for all who trust Him.

The establishment of a new covenant makes the first obsolete as a basis for establishing man's righteousness as it says in Colossians 2:13-14:  "And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross."  Some are concerned that if the Law is nailed to the cross it will promote lawlessness.  This is hardly the case for people born again and sanctified by faith in Jesus.  By the Law is the knowledge of sin that leads the guilty to Jesus for cleansing and salvation.  In providing the Holy Spirit Jesus established a higher moral standard than what is written in the Law, for He said "It has been written...but I say unto you..."  Knowing we are chosen, sprinkled with the precious blood of Jesus, sanctified unto God for obedience, and by grace we are credited with righteousness and enabled to walk righteously.

The book of Hebrews goes into great detail in how the new covenant is superior to the old because of Jesus and all He has accomplished and continues to do.  He has not left us alone but has given the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Who teaches, guides and helps us to do God's will.  Praise the LORD for His grace and peace we can experience today because of our awesome Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Instead of having our external behaviour governed by the letter of the law that kills, our lives are being transformed from within by the divine power that raised Jesus from the dead.

09 March 2023

The Will and Unbelief

A key element required to place faith in God is the submission of our will.  After being told by a parent what to do, a little boy might say, "I can't!" when the reality is he is unwilling to obey.  He could do simple tasks like putting a toy away, washing his hands, brushing teeth and going to bed, but his will remains in opposition to the command and will of his parents.  It is in this position many a grown, educated and intelligent person finds themselves.  It is not that there is not sufficient evidence of God's existence, but they have their own excuses why what can be plainly seen and known is irrelevant.  They do not agree with the concept of a sovereign, almighty God they will be held accountable to, and such prefer to sit in His seat of judgment to condemn Him as unjust, unloving and unfair.

Paul wrote in Romans 1:18-21:  "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened."  Whilst there is an abundance of scientific evidence that supports God's creation of the world, pitting facts against a heart hardened to God avails little.  There are certainly genuine seekers in the world who desire to know the truth, and there are others who obstinately refuse the truth because they do not agree with it or submit to it.  Dallas Willard puts the mentality of who Jesus called "lost" very well:
"They will find their place in the "outer darkness" of what Jesus spoke (Matthew 8:12).  but the fundamental fact about them will not be that they are there, but that they have become people so locked into their own self-worship and denial of God that they cannot want God...The ultimately lost person is the person who cannot want God.  Who cannot want God to be God.  Multitudes of such people pass by every day, and pass into eternity.  The reason they do not find God is that they do not want him or, at least, do not want him to be God.  Wanting God to be God is very different from wanting God to help me..."

We should be very sure that the ruined soul is not one who has missed a few more or less important theological points and will flunk a theological examination at the end of life.  Hell is not an "Oops!" or a slip.  One does not miss heaven by a hair, but by constant effort to avoid and escape God.  "Outer darkness" is for one who, everything said, wants it, whose entire orientation has slowly and firmly set itself against God and therefore against how the universe actually is.  It is for those who are disastrously in error about their own lives and their place before God and humanity." (Willard, Dallas. Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ. Form, 2021. Pages 55-56)

As we seek to lead others to saving faith in Jesus, we cannot overlook the power of the Holy Spirit to soften hearts, open eyes and the willingness of people to submit to Him.  Paul dealt with this issue of hardened hearts when he spent an entire day sharing scriptures concerning the kingdom of God and provided evidence Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah to Jews who willingly gathered for that purpose.  Some were convinced but others would not believe:  it was a matter of the will.  The NIV rendering of Paul's response is very insightful concerning their responsibility to choose to listen and receive the truth in Acts 28:25-27:  "They disagreed among themselves and began to leave after Paul had made this final statement: "The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your forefathers when he said through Isaiah the prophet: 26 "'Go to this people and say, "You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving." 27 For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.'"

Without faith in God as revealed in scripture, facts are regarded by the unbelieving as foolishness.  We, like Jesus and Paul, are called to speak the truth as led by the Holy Spirit.  Jesus came as the Light of the World into a world of darkness to seek and save the lost, and He has given His own life's blood so people might be redeemed.  Faith in Jesus is the only way to heaven and eternal life, and God does not prevent anyone from entering in His Way.  Only God can raise the spiritually dead to life eternal and bring those who are willing to submit to Him in faith out of darkness and into His marvelous light.  From Adam and Eve onward humanity is chronically bent into blaming God rather than accepting we are in the wrong and He is always right.  It isn't that God has obscured the truth, but people are unwilling and thus unable to receive it.