08 July 2010

Broken First!

Many people come to Christ as one decides to go to the doctor.  The only relationship most people have with their doctor is not a personal relationship at all.  When a man feels sick enough, he makes an appointment and goes to the doctor for an exam or prescription of medication.  Once out of the office and feeling better, most will never even think of their doctor again until the next time they are ill.  When people's lives are out of order, they decide to give Christ a try - they attend a service, see a pastor for counsel, or something along those lines.  If things improve, they will likely never think about God until the next time their lives unravel.  On the other hand, if things don't improve quickly they will be hardened towards God and Christianity, now convinced it is all rubbish.

It is a simple thing to realize other people are messed up.  It is also easy to notice when things are not going smoothly in our personal lives.  But because of pride, selfishness, stubbornness, or a host of other reasons, we stop short of seeing ourselves as the failure.  Although we are the only common link to all the issues we are having, it is rare we come to the conclusion that we are entirely to blame.  When a car doesn't run, it is because necessary components are broken.  Until the car is broken, there is no fixing required.  Newer cars can be hooked up to a diagnostic computer that directs the mechanic to the system or part that is broken.  It is an objective, programmed tool to aid in repairing the vehicle.  Our main hindrance is we recognize there is a problem in our lives but we don't want to believe the source could be us.  If only diagnosing the human condition was as easy as pushing a button!

I am convinced that God will not fix a man until he is broken.  Many of the "conversions" that take place these days are similar to the "doctor/patient" relationship already described.  That is the description of a man who realizes things aren't right but wants to make a deal with God so things can be better.  It would be better for the man to realize that not only is his life a mess, but he is a bigger mess himself.  There can be no regeneration without repentance, and no salvation without humility.  The only requirements some churches make to hail new Christians is a hand-raising or repeating praying words after a preacher who says, "Repeat after me."  Brokenness precedes fixing, and sickness goes before healing.  The tax-collector who cried, "God be merciful to me, a sinner!" went home justified while the public prayer of the Pharisee only added to his guilt.

I do not remember the moment I was justified but I remember distinctly the first instant I was broken.  After struggling with a particular sin I finally was broken by the fight and melted with great sobs.  There had been a war raging within and without, and at last down to the deepest depths my soul agreed with God:  He had been right, and I had been wrong.  It was a mixture of profound sorrow mixed because of my guilt, yet mixed with deep joy knowing that I was delivered from my sin.  Waves of grace washed over me in a flood of peace impossible to be described for beauty and comfort.  There was a resolve - not aroused in my fickle flesh - but by the Holy Spirit in my heart to choose Christ and serve Him alone.  God fixed me that day.  He fixed my heart upon Him.  Ongoing maintenance is certainly required, for perfection is not in me.  But in another way perfection IS within me, for the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within my heart.

What sort of relationship do you share with God?  God cannot be Savior if you will not allow Him to be LORD.  A business-only relationship with God is no relationship.  If a relationship between a husband or wife can be termed strictly a "business" relationship, could any say there is love involved?  We love Christ because He first loved us.  Once we receive of His love, His love flows back toward Him and others through us.  Horses will not break themselves:  they must be intentionally broken by skilled riders.  In the same way, no man can break himself.  God is gracious to use circumstances in our lives, sickness, trials, and all manner of difficulty to reveal to us we are sinners desperately in need of a Savior.  An unbroken man is a proud man, a man too good in his own eyes to need fixing.  Humble us so we might be broken!  Break us God, so we might be fixed!

04 July 2010

Spent for a Worthy Cause

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt, words from a speech delivered on April 23rd, 1910

From the moment these words were spoken, they have been unsurpassed on this point:  it would be better to try and fail than do nothing.  A prime obstacle which stands in front of valiant attempt is fear.  Everything a Christian is called to do can only performed supernaturally though God's strength.  With God all things are possible.  Even so, we can be consumed with needless fear which prevents us from attempting the impossible.  Psalm 27:1-3 says, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? [2] When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell. [3] Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war should rise against me, in this I will be confident."

Perhaps we fear because we have not allowed God to become our strength.  Fear of failure, man, or wickedness need not strike fear in our hearts once they have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit's power.  When my sons were young, their fears were swallowed up in love and trust of dad and mom.  Now that they are growing older, it is amazing to me the things that have power to frighten them!  Their eyes have been opened to potential dangers their once innocent minds could not have imagined.  The more a man knows, the more he realizes can go wrong.  The danger is no more real than before, except knowledge has the power to excite a man to fear all kinds of foes.  A child is not concerned about contracting flesh-eating bacteria or paramecium from swimming in a lake - but adults can be!  A boy's thoughts are only about retrieving his ball so play can continue, while his mom imagines him mangled under a truck's tires.

It is simple to aspire to greatness.  It is easier to be a critic than to work at mastery of a talent.  To my knowledge Robert Ebert has never directed or acted in an Oscar-nominated film and Simon Cowell has never sung a hit single.  Though everyone is a critic, in America we pay well those who have mastered the craft of being their critical selves.  Criticism when constructive is highly valuable, for without it we would likely never progress nor see our need.  But if fear of criticism itself keeps us from obedience to the will of God, our priorities have been distorted.  The benefits of an honest critic far outweigh any negatives.  Resistance builds our character and makes us better.  We learn more through difficult repeated failures than success at the first go.  If we never tasted defeat we would never relish the victory.

Are you willing to spend yourself in the highest cause:  the glory of God through your life?  This may not look like a great achievement in the eyes of the world, but the world will not endure for eternity nor the memory of it.  Isaiah 65:17-18 says, "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind. [18] But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, and her people a joy."  With all the effort we put into having fun and happiness on earth today, what a life it will be in heaven to experience the gift of eternal joy in the presence of God.  Accomplishment on earth is likely measured by our peers, and to some of our critics our best efforts may amount to nothing.  Only God knows and judges the heart.  The man who truly accomplishes something or amounts to anything only does so by God's grace and according to His standard of righteousness.  It is Jesus who has accomplished everything, and it is our choice if we will trust Him enough to obey Him.  It is for us to choose to take the next step in His strength.  It is God who makes our way prosperous:  it is He who gives us success (Josh. 1:8).  The face marred by dust and sweat and blood that glows with the glorious countenance of joy in Jesus will never know regret for effort.

02 July 2010

A Welcome Place

It's neat when object lessons appear outside your window.  I was working last week in Building 6 of Balboa Hospital and looked out the second floor window.  Dry brown grass and coastal sage scrub stretched over the hills.  But right in front of the window a large waterfall had been constructed, a huge contrast to the deadness all around.  Because of the life-sustaining water, about a dozen little birds were chirping and swooping from the chain link fence onto the river rocks.  They gathered together and splashed around in the water until they looked fuzzy and damp.  Then they flew back to the fence to sun themselves.  The scene brought a smile to my face.  Even birds love a refreshing bath.

In a way that noisy little oasis reminded me of what Christ is for believers.  In a lifeless world consumed by sin, Christ provides a way to be cleansed, refreshed, and sustained.  There were a handful of birds utilizing the fresh flow of water, and it seems like few ever make use of the Living Water offered by Jesus Christ.  How happy those birds were to be free from the dust and mites they had collected on their feathers!  How joyous we are when our sins are cleansed by the shed blood of Jesus!  There's nothing better than fellowship with God, and fellowship with like-minded believers excited about the love of God and walking in it is a close second.  The birds were different varieties, but they all came for one reason:  the water.

I suppose that is an ideal scenario.  People come to a church building for all kinds of reasons:  they are trying to make their wife stop nagging them, are trying to find a husband or wife, or feel obligated to do something for God.  I have heard a woman frankly admit the only reason she attended church was for the air conditioning!  I'll bet there are occasions when a big crow decides he would like some water and frightens off all the other bathers.  Church groups have their bullies too.  They will use politics to get their way or manipulate through financial control.  Sometimes they are subtle, other times overt.  Church attendance doesn't make a man a Christian.  Not all people come to a church because of their relationship with Jesus Christ.  But what a wonderful place it would be if Christ was the only draw!

Jesus has plenty of Living Water for all, to whosoever will admit their lack and need.  Let us invite others to share in Christ's love through joyful fellowship.  Instead of feeling threatened, let us open our arms wide!  Christians comprise the Body of Christ, and let's be as welcoming as He is to us.

01 July 2010

Dispensary of Worldy Wisdom

Today I worked at San Diego State University and insulated a chilled water pump and piping.  The Peterson Gym is in the process of being upgraded.  On my way to wash my hands I walked through an impressive new lecture hall.  The sound-absorbing panels were being installed in a modern, bright, immaculate room.  The flooring was a mix of light hardwood and carpet, with maple wood and laminate accenting the decor.  The room sloped down like a small amphitheater with descending stairs.  There was a large area down front where the professor would stand and lecture with enormous boards set up to accommodate Power Point.  Rows and rows of long desks stretched across the room, and evenly-spaced black chairs sat vacant.  It smelled like money.  Even in a recession, business is booming.

It is like no classroom I have ever seen.  It looked more like a place the leaders of the United Nations would meet, without the microphones, pitchers of water, or enormous placards on the tables - and this room was nicer.  I mused while I worked, thinking about the room.  In my mind I compared the position of the professor to a Gospel preacher, keeping in mind there are few Gospel "professors" in the secular arena.  There the lecturer has the benefit of hundreds of young, impressionable minds with a desire to learn arriving daily on schedule.  These students pay thousands of dollars to sit in a chair to hear their teacher hold forth a lesson they are expected to learn.  Dovetailed throughout every discourse is the professor's philosophy.  The perspective of the professor could be from a God-fearing worldview or a God-rejecting one.

I did go to college, and I'm certain things haven't become more conservative since 1996!  Exploration and discovery were the philosophy of the day.  But exploration without direction causes people to quickly become disoriented and lost.  The bright lights of fleshly pursuits scatter in all directions like a firework.  As soon as a person begins the chase to follow that deceptive beacon, darkness shrouds the deceived.  If that beacon is caught, it can only injure and burn.  Worldly philosophy has removed God and placed man in His place.  Self is the new god, but self is a god as old as Satan!  Personal expression trumps truth, all authority is questioned, and doubt reigns supreme.  The only things left undoubted are the words spoken by the learned man in the front of the room.  Not every word is necessarily believed, but the constant hammering no doubt makes a permanent mark on a mind.  The words of Christ may be applicable to many of those misleading atheistic or agnostic professors, "They know not what they do" while they willfully lead youth away from God.  But many of them know only too well what they are doing.  They are dispensers of worldly wisdom, and they revel in their role.  This wisdom is contrary to God's wisdom from above and is sinking sand.

In the same way that I love to preach the Word of God, many love to hold forth the wisdom of man.  James 3:13-18 says this about God's wisdom:  "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. [14] But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. [15] This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. [16] For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. [17] But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. [18] Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."  Pride, envy, boasting, self-seeking, lies, and confusion are marks of earthly wisdom.  The wisdom which comes from above is a stark contrast to earthly wisdom because purity, peace, gentleness, grace, and mercy adorn it.

Some have this idea education is the cure for all ills, or will at least alleviate them.  This is ironic, seeing as there is more information and education today than ever before, yet our problems are astronomical!  George Washington never had to deal with oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico or lax Border Security!  Andrew Jackson wasn't concerned about Power Point presentations, mobile internet connections, cell phone bills, or even hiring a plumber!  Abraham Lincoln never had to deal with identity theft, Social Security numbers, or the DMV.  Though many breakthroughs have been made in medicine and technology in the last 2000 years, one person has stayed exactly the same:  Jesus Christ.  He is the Prince of Peace.  There is a man who is ever learning but never comes  to the knowledge of the truth.  We need more than information:  we need a relationship with our Creator and Savior.  We need righteousness and forgiveness.  All the facts in the world pale in comparison to the knowledge which flows from knowing God in the beauty of His holiness.

May the church never be a place where worldly wisdom is found.  We are to preach Christ.  When we preach Him, we will preach TRUE wisdom.  We do not glory in what we know, but who we know and are known by:  1 Cor. 1:30-31 states, "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God--and righteousness and sanctification and redemption-- [31] that, as it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the Lord."