09 July 2010

Year in Review

My first post on this blog was July 8th, 2009.  It's amazing to think a year has passed since I started posting.  To be honest, it feels like much longer.  I suppose 200 posts in a year isn't too shabby!  It has been a cathartic exercise to share what God puts on my heart in this format, and I hope you have been blessed as I have.

In looking back over the past year, much has changed.  In July 2009 I was the youth pastor at Calvary Chapel El Cajon and heading off to summer camp at Green Valley Lake.  What followed camp was the realization that our (my wife and I) ministry with the youth was fulfilled.  I resigned my position in September and left for a two month trip to Australia.  To make a full year very short, I came back to the States and we sold our house.  Laura and I went for a two week trip to Australia this year and we are awaiting word on a possible ministry opportunity on the east coast.  It's remarkable how much has happened and even more amazing the work that needs to be done.

If I had to sum up some things God has taught me during this year it would be the importance of being Spirit-led in everything.  It is so easy to walk by sight and not by faith.  It is natural for us to rely on the opinions of others, experience, and our own abilities rather than trusting God to fulfill His Word.  We are often like Sarah, who suggested that since God said Abraham would sire a son and she was barren to take Hagar the Egyptian as a concubine.  Ishmael was the product of that union, and Abraham loved him.  But that was not God's way.  No, God informed them:  in spite of Abraham's impotence and Sarah's barrenness they would have a son together.

I have grown a lot in patience, especially since the last two trips to Australia.  There are often long spells between communication with my Aussie mates and if I did not grow patient I would go insane.  It seems for years now Laura and I have not been able to plan because we don't know - and when I say we don't know, I really mean that!  We do not know how, when, or where God will use us in Australia for His glory.  But we constantly go back to the things we do know:  I am called to preach and will be sent, and our affections, interest, and desire continues to grow for the people of Australia.  There is an insatiable longing in my heart which cannot be explained outside of the love of God.  The depth of this love shatters logic.  Whenever we are tempted to doubt, God confirms his word yet again.  I will cite two recent examples of this.

I walked into our office/den the other day to see a paper drawn by my eldest son Zed, age 10.  Drawn in pencil, a picture of "Ned Kelly and his Gang" sat on the desk. There was Ned Kelly wearing the famous armor, guns blazing.  (The part I loved the most was the legs riddled with bullet holes!)  If someone had stumbled upon this drawing, one would have assumed Ned Kelly was a common subject of mine or I put the boys to bed every night with the famous shoot-out and hanging that marked the end of Ned Kelly's life.  The fact is I haven't mentioned that name in months and because the story has been rehearsed maybe once or twice by me in the last year at most, I was pleasantly surprised!  I am so proud...and blessed to have kids who are so excited about Australia.

Just yesterday I sat down to an e-mail from Schmap which is a website that has pictures of tourist destinations around the world.  It turns out a picture of Coogee beach in Sydney I uploaded to flickr was chosen to be on the short list of potential pictures to be used on their website for that location.  The picture may or may not be used in the most recent Schmap edition, but I find it amazing that someone would choose my picture for that location.  (Thanks Fiona for taking us!)  Just when we think it may be an impossible dream, the reality of God's Word is sent home to our hearts again.

Thanks for reading and joining us in the wild ride of our lives:  following Jesus at any cost!  May we be completely spent for His glory!

1 comment:

  1. And what a year it has been! It's great to see you guys still following God's plan with the same hope and expectations you've had from the beginning (perhaps they're even amplified now).


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