25 October 2010

Carried in His Bosom

Yesterday the LORD gave me great comfort through a living illustration.  Whenever I put on shoes in the Tooke's home in the morning, Poncho (the family dog) whimpers and shakes with excited anticipation.  He has learned that when shoes go on the feet, it means he will be going on a walk.  I put on my shoes yesterday morning and it cracks me up how excited Poncho becomes at the prospect of a walk.  So not wanting to disappoint him, I picked up his lead (leash for the Americans in our audience) and walked out the door.

After about 10 minutes of jogging and a couple of potty breaks, Poncho began to resist the lead more and more.  As I carefully observed him, he was favoring his left foreleg.  For the past couple of weeks I have seen him more than once favor that leg.  "I'm sorry, Poncho," I told him.  "We'll take it easy, alright?"  Unfortunately for both of us, we happened to be at the lowest point of elevation in our run!  After a minute or two of hobbling around, Poncho would not walk at all.  I looked at him, he stared at me.  "Well, I suppose I'll have to carry you!" I said, and that is what I did.  For about 5 minutes or more I carried my wounded 22 kilo mate along the road.  Car after car passed and I mused:  I wonder what they think about me!

When we came to the steep part of the climb, I set Poncho down and he walked the rest of the way (much to the delight of my back!).  God showed me a wonderful truth from this illustration.  Sometimes when we start out walking with Jesus we run at a strong pace.  Whenever we walk in faith we start a new journey, trusting in God to guide and empower us.  But along the way sometimes we can be wounded.  We can tire and lose heart.  When the Holy Spirit prompts us to move we pull against the lead and refuse to walk anymore.  But instead of kicking us to the ground and dragging us along, He picks us up.  I'm reminded of the famous poem "Footprints" where the man looks back on his life with the LORD.  At times there was only one set of footprints.  He accused God of abandoning him in the tough times.  God instructed him that it was in those times it was God who carried him along!

We are so privileged to have a Good Shepherd who knows our weak frame and picks us up when we are wounded and weary!  He seeks to heal us, not destroy.  When we falter and fail we do not disillusion God, only the perception we have of ourselves.  Our pride becomes wounded when we fail to meet our meager expectations and tempts us to give up.  Shall we give up when God is in the process of carrying us through the trial?  Should we run from His healing hands?  Let us trust in the Good Shepherd and submit to Him.  He has created us, redeemed us, and does not hesitate to pick us up, muddy paws and all.  As it says in Isaiah 40:11:  "He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young."

1 comment:

  1. Just what I needed today, Ben! Thanks for the sweet reminder of His goodness. I can press on because of who He is- My Good Shepherd!

    I so can relate to the dog story, too :-) Glad you both made it home safely!


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