17 April 2011

Inspection or Surveillance?

Today we had a home inspection from the real estate agent who manages the property we are renting.  Our family took care to mow the lawn, organize the garage, and clean the house top to bottom.  Though the house is large, regular cleaning thankfully left it a small chore.  As I mopped the kitchen area, a thought went through my mind.  The promise of the inspection at 11:30am Monday morning gave us a deadline to meet.  How would things be different if our house was under constant surveillance?  Would we live differently?  Would I allow my grass to grow too long?  Would I allow the garage to become cluttered in the first place?

Inspections are good because they drive us to do a more thorough job than if we were under surveillance.  The best results would come from incorporating both!  The body of a Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  God is not as concerned about our physical hygiene as our spiritual purity found only through Jesus Christ.  Spiritually speaking, we understand that God sees the thoughts and intents of our hearts.  In this sense we are always under surveillance.  Because of our human condition we are forgetful of this reality.  The fact that God always sees us is sometimes not a strong enough deterrent to keep us from sin.  Because of this, it is wise that we take time every day to also inspect our hearts and freely confess and repent from any wickedness in our lives.

We should take every opportunity to do some "spring cleaning" in our hearts.  For us, it was not until our household moved from the United States to Australia that we dealt with the clutter we had accumulated.  For many people it is not until they are faced with their own mortality that they deal with the sin harbored in the recesses of their hearts.  I'm very happy with the condition of our house right now.  But that doesn't mean that labour is not required to maintain the level of cleanliness.  We still have to live here!  We should never be content with the initial cleansing God has done with our hearts and minds.  Regular maintenance and care will be required.  Though justified in an instant, sanctification remains a process.

How good it is to know the Maker of Heaven and Earth, the Savior and LORD of All - Jesus Christ - has died to save sinners like me!  Instead of leaving me in my condition separated from God by my sin, He has reconciled me to God through His grace and sacrifice.  I am under His watchful eye empowered by the Holy Spirit.  But I need to permit God to conduct regular heart inspections too!  With the psalmist I say:  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; 24 and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23-24)  It feels great to be clean!

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