10 April 2011

Quote from "A Pastor's Sketches"

I recently obtained a copy of Ichabod Spencer's book, A Pastor's Sketches.  After reading a few pages I am convinced I have found a gem.  It's funny how relevant a book can be written over 150 years ago because men then are in the same condition they are now:  lost!  Human nature has not changed a bit, and neither has the saving power of Jesus Christ and man's great need for atonement and reconciliation.  A pastor, Ichabod was called to minister to a young dying Irishman who had all sorts of intellectual hindrances to believe in God's existence.  I cannot do justice to the logic and mastery which Spencer employed to convince the Irishman of his false impressions, assumptions, and prejudices.  Shortly before his death, they shared a remarkable conversation which led to the Irishman's eventual conversion found on pages 48-49:

     "Tell me what to do to be ready to die."
     Said I, "You believe in God, the Infinite, Eternal Spirit?"
     "I do," said he.
     "Then pray to him," said I.
     "I have, and I will," said he.
     "You believe you are a sinner?" said I.
     "I know I am," said he.
     "Then repent, and trust in Christ for pardon."
     "Will repentance save me?"
     "No," said I; "Christ Jesus saves sinners.  You must not trust to your repentance and faith to save you.  That would be self righteousness.  Trust only in the crucified Son of God, your proposed Surety."  After a pause - 
     "What must be done first, before I trust in him?"
     "Nothing - just nothing."
     "How?  Is there no preparation to make?"
     "No; none at all."
     "But, holiness - " said he.
     "Results from faith in Christ," said I.
     "And the Holy Spirit - " said he.
     "Is your only hope," said I.  "Without his aid you will neither repent nor believe.  It is his office to take of the things of Christ, and show them unto us."
     "Will you pray with me?" said he.
     We fell on our knees.  I offered a short prayer, and left him.  I never saw him afterwards...the young man died in peace, with praises for the atonement of Jesus Christ on his lips."

Such a sure departure into eternal glory and rest is freely offered to all men who will repent and trust in Christ as LORD!

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