06 October 2014

Open Book Exams

Have you ever faced a "pop quiz" you were unprepared for?  I remember many times groaning inside as my delighted teacher instructed all pupils to stow our books for an unexpected test - without notes.  Even when I had a fair grasp of the material I didn't appreciate "surprise" exams.  I often felt unprepared and anxious because I hadn't carefully studied the material.  As uncomfortable as a surprise quiz made me feel, what relief was mine when we had an "open-book exam."  The freedom to reference all our notes and textbooks was a great consolation.  I cannot remember any nervousness facing an "open book test" because I felt assured of a strong showing.

As we live out our days on earth following Jesus Christ, God allows many tests and trials.  Most of these tests come suddenly and unexpectedly.  When tragedy or trials come, it is natural for us to feel uncertain about the future.  We feel uncomfortable because we were not given the opportunity to adequately prepare for what we are facing.  But it is a great comfort to know that all tests we face are "open book exams."  God has given us the scripture, faith, and the Holy Spirit who indwells and empowers all followers of Jesus Christ.  We are free at any time to seek guidance and recall the promises of God through scripture.  Boldly we can approach Christ in the throne room of grace seeking mercy and grace to help (Heb. 4:16).  We do not need to be afraid, for Jesus is the Good Shepherd who will not leave or forsake us in our time of need.

1 Peter 4:12-13 says, "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy."  The greater we suffer, the greater consolation God provides.  When the trial hits people ask, "If God was so loving and kind, why does He allow suffering?"  This is a question asked from a position of doubt in God's character as revealed through scripture.  The scriptures teach because God is loving and kind, He allows suffering.  God demonstrated His love for us that while we were yet sinners, He allowed His only Son Jesus Christ to suffer and die for our sakes and to pay the penalty for our sin.  God allows us to face suffering and pain as well, and we can know God will accomplish His divine purposes for our good and His glory.

God does not test us for His benefit, like a teacher who is not certain his students have mastered their lessons.  Unpleasant as surprise tests are, they are for our good.  God tests us so we might recognise our helplessness, our need for transformation, and the sufficiency of His love and promises.  Should the test cause us to be angry with God or run from Him, it opens our eyes to see our hearts are not as loyal to Him as we have assumed.  God is good and loving to open our eyes to our hypocrisy so we might repent and trust, and uncertainty and trials are effective tools to do so.  Praise God every test we face is an "open book exam," and He gives us more than mere answers:  He has provided Himself!

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