17 November 2014

Authority and Control

A follower of Jesus Christ has the assurance of scripture that God has authority over all and is in control.  Matthew 28:18 records words Jesus said to His disciples:  "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."  Under Christ's authority, we can therefore go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptising, and teaching them to follow God's ways.

A funny thing happens when people are given positions of authority.  It changes the way people think and relate to others - and often for the worse.  Many become overbearing and harsh.  In the words of Agur in Proverbs 30:21-23:  "For three things the earth is perturbed, yes, for four it cannot bear up: 22 for a servant when he reigns, a fool when he is filled with food, 23 a hateful woman when she is married, and a maidservant who succeeds her mistress."  A common worker without training would likely be unprepared for the responsibility of managing the business affairs of a global corporation, and probably struggle to efficiently manage employees at a local business.  How much more difficult would it be to suddenly have free reign over a country!   We have all witnessed people given authority without adequate preparation, and their newly acquired power is easily abused.

Regardless of the scope of your authority in a family, relationships, business, or ministry, the persuasive temptation is this:  you have authority, so therefore you should be in control.  The question is, can a man truly be "in control" when God sits on the throne?  Self- control is a fruit of the Spirit, and therefore our flesh is simply incapable of the standard of self-control which only comes from God.  If man cannot even control himself, how much less control does he wield over others!  What great lengths people in authority take to seize control or maintain control!  Much effort can be given to worry, schemes, fears, or labour to influence or manipulate to keep our grasp on even the illusion of control.  Authority is inevitably abused when removed from God's guiding control.

Can we change the hearts of other people?  Can we transform our own hearts?  Can we through effort change our sinful, selfish ways?  No!  God has complete authority, but He gives us freedom to choose whether we will submit to Him or not.  Isn't that amazing?  God is indeed "in control" - as far as His plans will be brought to pass, even redeeming circumstances outside of His perfect will for good - yet He does not "control" us.  There is a humility in His governance which requires faith in God for us to imitate.  We must be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking because we have authority given by God, our efforts are wisely used in a vain attempt to control others.  Jesus demonstrated love, gave abundant mercy and grace, and humbled himself.  That was how Jesus utilised and revealed all the authority in heaven and earth given Him by the Father.  For His glory may we exercise any authority we have in the same way:  not through attempts to control others, but in submission and obedience to God!

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