25 November 2014

Be Somebody!

Have you ever left a dish in the sink thinking, "Somebody will wash that?"  Sometimes we notice a chore hasn't been done for a while and say out loud, "When is somebody going to...?"  When those thoughts are running through our minds, it's easy for us to overlook the most qualified candidate:  ourselves!  Doesn't God clean up your messes sometimes even without you asking?  We are aware of the need, are convinced it should be done, and our observation reveals desire to see the task completed.  So what stops us from being "somebody?"

Years ago, I was taught a great life lesson by my pastor.  Along with a group of people from church, my pastor and I helped a family in need move house.  I found it exciting to help meet a person's need in a practical way.  After completing the move I said, "You know, what a great opportunity for ministry.  Somebody should start a helps ministry to aid people in practical ways."  With a twinkle in his eye, my pastor turned to me and said something basically like, "If you think someone should do it, why don't you do it yourself?"  I did think somebody should do it, and in that moment a "Helps Ministry" was birthed at our church which continued for many years.  I began coordinating a group of us from church who helped countless people move, we roofed houses, did basic handyman repairs, and even odd jobs like removing dead opossums from under a trailer!  It wasn't glamorous work, but we used our gifts and even our trucks to help others for the glory of God.

So when you think somebody ought to be doing something, why can't that somebody be you?  Every day you have the opportunity to be somebody who goes the extra mile, does a little extra to bless others, and is governed by God's grace and love - without even keeping track.  If we are serving others as unto the LORD, affirmation from others is never the fuel we require.  The strength, peace, and comfort from the Holy Spirit is the only "Well done!" we need!  That's the wonderful thing about being that special somebody:  in seeking to bless others we are the ones who are blessed most.  How about it?  If you are willing, today and every day you can be somebody!

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