25 May 2016

In the Clefts of the Rock

When I visited Israel in 2015, I enjoyed seeing and teaching the Bible at many historical sites.  Yet of the entire trip, the most memorable incident was when God spoke to my heart from His Word.  One morning our group had just passed through the security checkpoint to gain access to the Western Wall.  I took this picture of the Western wall as we waited for the entire group to assemble.

The picture shows the women's area to the south (right side) and the men's area to pray on the north.  There are nothing particular picturesque about this shot.  I have seen finer pictures than this one, and several I have taken myself!  But what you likely did not notice was the little white dove that flew into a depression in the stone over the women's side.  As I was pulling my camera out, it alighted in the wall.  It is in the far right of the photo.

At the time I had been teaching through Song of Solomon at Calvary Chapel Sydney.  Instantly the words of the Beloved came to mind found in Song of Songs 2:14:  "O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely."  I was blown away.  At a place designated for prayer to the Almighty God, this dove was a sign of God's invitation to me to take refuge in Him through prayer.  In Jesus Christ God's people find refuge.  God is more desirous to hear our voice and see us seek Him in prayer more than we are willing to pray.  How beautiful to God are the praying voices of His people!

Pastor Drew Macintyre said during that trip to Israel, "Many people say the Bible comes alive in Israel - I say people come alive to the Bible in Israel."  I heartily agree.  In the Song of Solomon, the Beloved affirmed his love to his self-conscious future bride, the Shulamite.  Her Beloved came to her, calling her name, because he desired to spend time with her.  God's love has been demonstrated through Christ's sacrifice on the cross and He says to us:  "Rise up, my fair one, and come away!"  To God His chaste children are as white doves with sweet voices and lovely faces.  He has washed and purified us; He has forgiven and redeemed us.  For all who take refuge in the cleft of the rock - in our Rock of Salvation Jesus Christ through faith - He looks upon us with love, and His ears are open to our cry.  We want God to answer our prayers, but shouldn't we first respond to His gracious invitation with humble thanks?  How God delights in us, that He would allow us into His throne room of grace through prayer "...obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

There were many clefts in the rocks of the Western Wall, yet only one dove sought refuge there.  In Christ there is safety and rest for all who come to Him in faith, yet many do not take the time to seek Him in prayer.  Do you cultivate a secret time of prayer in the presence of God?  Do you have a particular time or spot when you will come away from the cares of this world and speak to Him?  He bids you come without delay, "for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely."

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