01 May 2016

Keeping Ranks

"...of Zebulun there were fifty thousand who went out to battle, expert in war with all weapons of war, stouthearted men who could keep ranks..."
1 Chronicles 12:33

The men of Zebulun described in this passage came to David to support him and establish him as rightful king over Judah in Hebron.  These 50,000 men were depicted with glowing terms:  experts in war with all weapons, stouthearted (the KJV says "not of a double heart," united in desire and purpose), and could keep ranks.  Whilst everyone would like to be expert and have courageous hearts in battle, it struck me that "keeping ranks" flies in the face of our humanistic and narcissistic culture which promotes the individual and celebrates those who distinguish themselves as champions.

The reason why the fighters of Zebulun were singled out and uniquely described as able to "keep ranks" was precisely because they were not "rank and file" soldiers.  They fought as a single unit, knowing their place and role in the battle.  They kept to the proper formation, their steps ordered by their captains and commanders.  They were experts, and they knew their place.  Usually when people are told, "Know your place!" it is because it is a low place they should return to.  Yet the ability to keep ranks is the mark of a true warrior, not a novice.  Being of one heart and one purpose to establish David as king, their efforts were not weakened by each trying to outdo others or make a name for self.  They fought skillfully and kept ranks without fleeing in the heat of battle.  This ability to keep ranks made them a formidable fighting force against any enemy who would threaten them or their king.

I believe this courageous, stouthearted, and unified approach is important in the church today under the kingship of Jesus Christ.  We need people who are willing and able to keep ranks, casting off the sin and the weights which encumber us.  All Christians have been divinely connected to the Body of Christ for the purpose of glorifying God.  We need men, women, and children who realise and embrace their God-given roles and positions in various seasons of life and ministry.  We need to walk in lockstep and love with our Master and Saviour Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, obeying Him and heeding His Word.  As long as the lives of Christians are primarily centred on promoting or protecting ourselves we will never be the effective force God desires and designed the church to be in this world.

You may be an expert, but are you humble and skilled to keep ranks with fellow Christians?  Find your place outlined in scripture and do not flee or surrender to the enemy.  Keep in fellowship with other believers, bear one another's burdens, and carry your own load.  It is time to report for duty and keep ranks with a courageous heart!

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