08 November 2017

The LORD Our Shade

"The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade at your right hand. 6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night."
Psalm 121:5-6

How good it is to know God protects and provides for our needs!  Day or night we need never fear, for God is faithful.  A great illustration of this scripture is seen in the life of Hagar when she was sent out by Abraham.  In response to God's direction, Hagar and Ishmael her son were sent out from Abraham with bread and a skin of water.  They wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba, which means "well of an oath."  Before long they were stricken with thirst, for the water in the skin was used up.  Hagar desperately placed her son in the shade of a shrub to protect him from the searing heat.  Hagar hopelessly retreated to a distance where she could not hear his cries.  She reached the point that all she could do is weep, and in that moment God spoke.

Genesis 21:17-19 reads, "And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said to her, "What ails you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. 18 Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation." 19 Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the lad a drink."  In her distress Hagar moved away from Ishmael, but God drew near and heard the cries of the lad.  Isn't this remarkable?  He will not forsake any who cry out to Him.  The angel of God asked, "What ails you, Hagar?"  I suppose from the perspective of the world there was plenty to cry about:  she had been kicked out of her home, did not know where she was, where she should go, the water had been spent, her son was dying, and she could not save him.  She asserted in a previous wilderness experience God is the One who sees but God also revealed himself as the One who hears and is "your shade at your right hand."  With such a God was there any legitimate cause for despair?

God opened Hagar's eyes to see a well of water she had not seen before.  It is fitting this occurred in Beersheeba, for God showed her a well and gave her a promise:  God would save her son and make of him a great nation.  Until it was divinely revealed Hagar didn't notice the well which held life-sustaining water, and often it is our unbelief, grief, and forgetfulness of God which blinds us to the Living Water offered freely by Jesus Christ.  He supplies more than water to quench the thirst of our bodies but supplies Living Water to satisfy our souls forever.  God has made a covenant through the blood of Jesus Christ which provides us forgiveness and eternal life through the Gospel.  No matter what we face in this life we do not need to fear, for God is our keeper, our shade at our right hand, our refuge, and Saviour who loves us and supplies our every need by His grace.

God was faithful to keep His promise to Ishmael, for God was with him as he grew.  During our earthly pilgrimage there will be wilderness experiences and dry times, but it is good for us to discover God is our only genuine source of help, hope, and life.  We often look for shelter under wilting shrubs when God stands ready to help and deliver, our shade at our right hand.  Much of our pain comes from focusing on ourselves, circumstances beyond our control, and feeling others have it better than us.  Hebrews 13:5-6 provides us an exhortation and promise:  "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." 6 So we may boldly say: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"  Fear and death have been swallowed up with victory, and praise the LORD for His promise.  He is our keeper and shade at our right hand.  The death of our bodies will not annul His promise but bring it to completion in eternal glory.

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