08 March 2018

Christ's Leading for Life

According to his website, Tony Robbins is described as a "World Authority on Leadership Psychology" and the "#1 Life and Business Strategist."  An article on his site says, "Whether you lead a Fortune 500 company or simply lead yourself as you strive to attain your goals, leadership qualities are absolutely essential to your success. It helps you surmount obstacles, take risks, and find ways to live joyfully and thrive even during the most challenging times."  The article lists six qualities to cultivate in the lives of leaders:  confidence, focus, honesty, being positive, decisive, and inspirational.  Whilst the qualities of good leaders are subjective and this is hardly an exhaustive list, they illustrate well the point:  man's concepts of leadership differ greatly from God's ways.

Allow me to illustrate from a passage of scripture when King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah were threatened by a great army.  Based upon the aforementioned list which has no mention of God, King Jehoshaphat was an obvious failure.  He did not bother to put a brave face on the threat, nor did he rally the troops with an inspirational message.  He directed the people to fast and they gathered for a prayer meeting.  This is a king with fortifications, strategists, valiant fighters, and weapons of war.  See what Jehoshaphat prayed when the nation gathered before the LORD in 2 Chronicles 20:12-13:  "O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." 13 Now all Judah, with their little ones, their wives, and their children, stood before the LORD."

Jehoshaphat did not tell his advisers in a private meeting behind closed doors, "Gentlemen, I don't believe we have a chance."  He said "We have no power" nice and loud for everyone to hear, in front of the army, the women and children!  He said, "We have no power against this threat, nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."  This is a remarkable admission!  Parents feel they must put on a bold front for their children so they will not be alarmed.  They will lie if it will make their children feel safe.  Jehoshaphat refused to do so.  As king he publicly admitted he did not have any power or resources able to save, he was totally overwhelmed, and could only look to God.  And that, I believe, is a reason why God took charge the way He did, miraculously routing the enemy the following day and brought about a momentous victory.  A hopeless and helpless leader looked to God - rather than attempting in vain to comfort the people or rally his men - and every enemy warrior was destroyed without losing a single man, woman, or child.

The best leaders are those who are led by God.  Their confidence is not in themselves or past victories but in the God who delivered their souls from death.  The godly leader's focus is not the advancing enemy or the formulation of a strategy but on the Living God who is able to save to the uttermost who cry out to Him.  Honesty before God and men is paramount, and bowing our hearts before God is the most positive step we can take in seeking His will.  We must decisively seek the LORD's directives without fear of man, for the way that seems good to a man ends in death.  Finally, Jesus Christ is to be our inspiration.  The only thing more inspiring than a person who commits themselves to God when their life is on the line is the one who faithfully lives for His glory when his life isn't at immediate risk.  That can be you and me as we follow Christ's leading for our lives.

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