11 March 2018

Called By Name

I remember at 12 years old walking up to a list posted on the snack bar at Western Little League field in El Cajon.  I was elated to see my name included upon the list of "All-Stars" which would represent the league at upcoming tournaments and (should we prevail) even the Little League World Series!  It was a great honour to be an All-Star because only a select few were chosen out of the whole league.  To see my name among other players renowned for their skills which exceeded my own was humbling and a proud moment at the same time.  In retrospect I'm not exactly sure why donning that All-Star uniform and being part of a great team was so special, but it was.

Being chosen by God is a far greater honour than being selected for an All-Star team.  Should our adoption into the family of God and inclusion in His eternal plans stir up even an inkling of pride, something is dreadfully wrong.  We are often wrong and praise the LORD He reveals the truth to us through His Word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit.  Pride is so natural and ever-present in our flesh it can be hard - no, impossible on our own - to recognise and repent.  Players were selected for the All-Star team because of their quality play, yet every Christian is a sinner chosen by the grace of God.  We worked hard to earn a starting position on a baseball team, but it is God's goodness which has drawn us to Him.

The call of Jesus has gone out to all the world, yet this inclusive call does not lessen how special each of us are in the eyes of God.  We who have been brought near by the shed blood of Jesus through faith find ourselves in exclusive company as children of God.  A wedding invitation sent out to an entire nation of people likely would not make anyone feel special for being invited.  But if the wedding invitation was sent by a notable king signed in his own blood, attending would be a priority.  Being called and accepted by God by grace is special because there is no one as great as our God.  His goodness is infinite, and His wisdom is without limit.  We who are worthy of death have been invited into the presence of the Almighty for eternity!

Little League baseball is only a memory for me now 30 years on, but the "glory days" of abiding in the presence of God will be experienced by a child of God now and forever.  I feel special to be included in that rare company not because it is an exclusive group but because of the greatness of the Saviour who has called my name.

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