02 June 2023

Invocation of Truth

When I went to university, the questions people asked and beliefs they espoused revealed a worldview completely different than mine.  In one sense I felt unprepared for the questions because at the core they denied fundamental beliefs my outlook was based upon.  Answering the question directly--instead of answering the questioner--put me in the position to always answer incorrectly and face the wrath or ostricisation of people I hardly knew and thus would likely never stick around for me to have the opportunity to explain why.  The result was a "for" or "against" mentality where deviation from secular, humanistic values was unacceptable and thus freedom of expression was stunted.

During my time in public and tertiary education I encountered many respectable teachers and professors who were open to a vast array of liberal and conservative perspectives.  But as time went on the pursuit of objective truth (if it existed at all) lagged far behind the pursuit of self-expression and personal truth which was defined by individuals with the unwavering expectation and demand all others must pay homage to it.  Those who resisted at all were often branded as "phobic" in some way, ironically an anathema to intelligence and worthy of scorn.  While it is not pleasant to be hated or mocked for your beliefs, it is wise to consider the perspectives of others and see we do not adopt their tactics.  We are not to answer a fool according to his folly lest we be like him. Our call as followers of Jesus Christ is to love others, pray for them and bless them rather than cursing.

In a film I recently viewed, it was evident people with conservative and liberal leanings have worldviews founded on different beliefs and thus work towards different ends.  The conservative man was on a quest for truth according to reality he believed people are happiest when they submit to it, whereas the liberals sought the happiness of others by affirming whatever they said.  One of those interviewed said something insightful, that "invoking truth is rude and condescending."  The word "invoking" has a religious connection, to call upon a deity for aid.  His complaint was the conservative made truth his deity when his worldview made each person his own god beyond all criticism.  In academia and beyond, it is largely considered rude and condescending to appeal to truth to which others must submit, even if it is scientifically verifiable.  It was an ad hominem attack to avoid the uncomfortable truth of God's sovereignty that nips at the conscience God created inside every human being.

It is amazing Jesus referred to Himself as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  If there was anyone who ever spoke with complete authority and objectivity, it is Jesus Christ.  The religious and intellectual elite absolutely hated Jesus because He spoke with authority and not like the scribes who couched their statements with precedent.  Jesus trumped even the Law of Moses by saying, "It has been written...but I say unto you..."  People observed, "No one ever spoke like this man."  Being the Truth, Jesus Christ has authority no one else on earth does.  Christians are called to speak the truth in love--in the love of God and love of other people.  As people hated Jesus for speaking the truth, when we speak the truth in humility we will be hated.  We can submit to being hated and ostricised by men knowing we are loved and accepted by God because He is gracious.  Rather than seeking to confront or argue with those who do not know or fear God, let us continue to live and speak according to the truth, led by the Holy Spirit.

As God's redeemed we are in the world but not of the world.  In His wisdom God has left us in the world so we might be for those who do not know Him like the liberals were for me in university.  Without their input I would have remained in a lazy bubble of my own thoughts, assuming everyone else should think as I did--even when I was in the wrong.  We need not fear the indoctrination of empty worldly philosophy when we are grounded in the word of God, for what is the chaff to the wheat?  Not all of us are skilled at debate or think fast on our feet, but we can carefully consider different views in light of scripture; we can examine our own hearts and see we walk in truth.  We can invoke the aid of Jesus Christ to help us and others to draw near to Him:  the God who opens blind eyes, heals the lame and raises the dead.

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