03 June 2023

Communion of Bread and Body

"The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? 17 For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread."
1 Corinthians 10:16-17

Jesus Christ is the Head of the body, the church which is comprised of all nations, tongues and tribes of all the earth who trust in Him.  By the offering of Jesus on the cross for sinners He perfected forever those who are sanctified, set apart as people holy unto the LORD.  The worship of believers and receiving of communion together was an act of unified worship that illustrated the spiritual reality Jesus makes possible by the Gospel.

As I considered the broken bread and cup partaken of during a communion service, it struck me that it was the same for everyone in attendance.  It was not only for the pastor but all parishioners; the rich do no receive a double portion, nor do believing visitors to the church service receive less.  As much as we hear about equity and equality in this world, nothing comes close to the full measure of grace God extends to every one of His born-again children.  When a person books a flight, there are many upgrades on offer to those willing to pay the price.  Though the same aeroplane transports all passengers, people travelling first class and business class board first and are seated separate from economy customers.  Their drink, menu options and amenities are a cut above others.

It is not so for born-again children of God by faith in Jesus.  We are all partakers of that one Living Bread come down from heaven; we all drink of the same cup that symbolises His blood shed for us.  This does not mean we are all clones, nor are we faceless and nameless passengers all crammed together:  we are beloved children of God given specific roles and spiritual gifts according to the will of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 2:4).  We cannot tell where one cell of our bodies begins or ends, yet God knows and loves every member of the body of Christ individually and intimately.  God who knows the number of the sand on the seashore and calls every star by name knows and keeps His eye on us, for not one sparrow falls without Him knowing.

How amazing, that we can all have forgiveness, eternal life and fellowship with God by faith in Jesus!  No one has special privileges others are given or denied because of age, wealth, family associations, or worldly success.  Just like God has given each of us all the time there is during the span of our lives on earth, He has freely offered Himself as our Saviour for continual communion and fellowship.  Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."  How blessed Christians are to be afforded all goodness that is and will ever be by God's grace through Jesus Christ Who unites us as one.

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