26 June 2024

All Our Ways

One thing I appreciate about the Bible is how true to life it is in the depiction of human character.  While every person has a unique genetic makeup and personality, there is much we naturally share in common because we are of the same kind.  There are aspects of humanity that are as predictable as the force of gravity on earth, like being focused on ourselves.  We want to do what we think is best for ourselves and benefits us the most.  "Looking out for number 1" is a maxim most people live by without ever being taught or taking a course.

This self-focused perspective was demonstrated by the men of Dan when they travelled to the house of Micah and spoke with the priest he made for himself--in the hope the LORD would do him good.  Judges 18:5 says in the KJV, "And they said unto him, Ask counsel, we pray thee, of God, that we may know whether our way which we go shall be prosperous."  The men did not ask counsel of God for guidance but wanted assurance their way would be prosperous.  They were not interested in being told what to do by the priest or even by God.  They were going their own way with the aim to benefit and enrich themselves, and they were pleased to have God's guarantee or stamp of approval.  Without hesitation the imposter priest told them to go in peace, for it pleased him to please men.  Working for Micah was how the priest sought to benefit himself in a self-serving household and world.

It is important to realise that after being born again by faith in Jesus we can retain this humanistic, selfish approach to life.  Instead of seeking to please the LORD, to seek to know Him and His ways that are not our ways, we may assume God is obligated to bring blessing and prosperity on our ways.  We imagine we know what success and prosperity looks like for us, and we are pleased to use God's help (if needed!) to achieve our goals.  We can desire and seek after prosperity or assurance of success when we have not sought the LORD God as our Master we are called to serve and obey.  In stark contrast to human nature, Proverbs 3:5-6 explains God's plan for our lives:  "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."  Faith in God leads in obedience and submission to God in all our ways.

Because God has given man understanding, knowledge and capacity to make judgments, we naturally tend to rely upon our own ways and thoughts.  Our flesh is pleased in a world where we live as God, a life where God bows to our desires and serves us, where we make choices autonomously and have no need to change for anyone or anything--whilst enjoying success and prosperity at every turn.  God's word reveals this personal utopia to be a foolish fantasy and hellscape in Proverbs 14:12:  "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."  Proverbs 12:15 also says, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise."  Let us not be as the men of Dan, imagining God approved of their ways and would bring success without seeking God to be guided by faith in God and His wise ways.  May we trust in the LORD with our hearts and in all our ways acknowledge Him by heeding His divine guidance to walk in His ways.

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