11 June 2024

Working In Step

Through my participation in many three-legged races as group activities, I learned the importance of communicating with your race partner (before the race!) how to best coordinate movement.  If each person tries to run as fast as they can they will not be able to run at all.  The only way to move quickly when your leg is strapped to someone else's leg is to agree how to to work together to walk and jog in step.

While the analogy of walking in step in a three-legged race could be employed to mutual coordination for fruitful ministry in the church, it is very simplistic to the point it fails to account for the personal responsibility of each person to prepare their hearts before the LORD--not only when working together in ministry--but on their own time.  For this reason a marching band is a more accurate analogy of our need as Christians to freely embrace our personal role in the Body of Christ the church to work in step with others.  The human body has many organs, systems and moving parts all working together for the good of the entire body.  The role of the eye is different than the lungs, but they both function to support one another and promote the health of the whole person.

I have never been a member of a marching band that performs during a halftime show, yet I can begin to appreciate the level of practice, personal preparation, ability to take direction and accept correction required by all quality bands.  Each musician has their own instrument and music they must practice and master, and additionally everyone must work together as a team to learn how to march and where to go.  The choreographed performances require many hours of practice and training--perhaps as much or more than the football players who drill and practice every day.  A marked difference between a marching band and church ministry is Christianity is not a performance:  it is a life of faith and obedience to Jesus Christ lived in combination and mutual submission with other believers in the Body of Christ under the headship of Jesus Himself.

While each believer is to be guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do God's will, we are called to be in one accord with one another as we do the LORD's work.  God works in and through His people, and it is wonderful when people are content to exercise the gifts God has given them as they embrace the calling He has upon their lives to love God and one another with their whole being.  God guides us in the Bible how we are to embrace our sanctification, both personally and as a team as it says in verses like 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15:  "Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. 15 See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all."

A marching band of quality brings honour to their school, and we as Christians are to bring honour to Jesus Christ by our lives whether in private or public.  We do not labour to glorify ourselves, a denomination or ministry but the LORD Jesus who is all in all.  This requires personal obedience and sacrifice; it also means as part of the corporate Body of Christ we willingly contribute as led by the Holy Spirit to fulfil our calling as Christians and our God-given roles by His grace.  Jesus Christ is our Saviour and King, and thus we live to please Him by walking in step with Him and one another as His blameless servants.  May it be when people observe our lives and ministry they realise we are part of the body of Christ that is far greater than we are as individuals, for the plans and purposes of God have been accomplished by His power and wisdom as we walk together in unity.

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