18 June 2024

The Legacy of Glory

"The wise shall inherit glory, but shame shall be the legacy of fools."
Proverbs 3:35

There is a desire in the hearts of men to be well-thought of and long remembered, and this is seen even in lives of self-serving people who did not fear God.  Absalom the son of David could easily be numbered among such people, for 2 Samuel 18:18 tells us:  "Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and set up a pillar for himself, which is in the King's Valley. For he said, "I have no son to keep my name in remembrance." He called the pillar after his own name. And to this day it is called Absalom's Monument."  The proverb spoken by the wisdom of God proved true, for Absalom's infamous insurrection that ended with his death and being cast into an unmarked grave only brought himself and his memory shame.

A legacy is what a person leaves behind for others, something that imparts a positive or negative impact that remains long after the person is gone.  As Absalom's case demonstrates, both the foolish and wise are considerate of how they will be remembered after their days on earth are brought to an end.  It is a good thing to consider:  will your legacy be one of shame?  What this passage shows us is better than leaving a rich legacy to others is to be one who inherits glory by faith in God.  The wise, whom Jesus identified as those who hear His words and obey them, are God's legacy and inheritance.  When we are born again He chooses to allow us to remain on earth for a season as a testimony of His love and power to save for the benefit of others, and He has also chosen us as His everlasting inheritance in glory.

Whilst Christians can have a bad rap for their imperfections (as if those who criticise are any better), followers of Jesus Christ have many admirable qualities due to our heavenly Father.  The love, grace and goodness of our LORD Jesus covers and cleanses us of our many transgressions and sins, and our God begins to refine us day by day to be more like Him.  How blessed we are by the legacy left behind of godly men and women who expended their lives in faithful service to the LORD day by day, an inspiration that encourages us to press on as they did through many trials, persecutions and troubles.

All have sinned, yet the wise who follow Jesus need not have a legacy of shame as the fools.  Many people have heard the Good News of the Gospel and given it no heed, and in the eternal state they will look back upon their calloused hearts and minds with shame.  People who can recite the Gospel as easily as lyrics from a popular song have not been saved or transformed by the Gospel, and it will not be God or "hypocritical" Christians but only themselves who are to blame.  Those who place their faith in Jesus can be assured of inheriting glory, but shame shall be the legacy of fools--regardless how much they accomplish, acquire or leave behind to others.  The world is enriched by Christ more than they know through His legacy of Christians who have died and those still living.  While the world may take Christ for granted, may we live for His glory today.

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