08 June 2024

Knowing God's Will

When some Christians speak of "God's will," it is often resigned to a status that is mysterious, unknown and unknowable.  The tone of people desirous of knowing God's will is often similar to, "I hope so."  This gives little sense of the sure expectation Christians can have based upon God's word, the Bible.  We can know God's will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven even when things do not go according to our plan, for God is sovereign, almighty and rules over all.  We can be steadfast and immovable in this knowledge since God and the Scripture remain the same forever.

Even as God has not remained hidden but has revealed Himself to all mankind through creation, His word and by coming to earth Himself as Jesus Christ, God has also revealed His will for all people.  For instance 2 Peter 3:9 says, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."  God's will is that all should come to repentance, and though some reject Jesus His will to save them remains unchanged.  Though almighty, God will not trample the will of mankind He created in His own image.  We need not wonder if it is God's will for someone be saved, for He desires all to come to repentance and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.

We considered a well-known passage in the Bible where God's will for Christians is plainly stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:  "Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  What is awesome about this revelation--and countless others examples of God's revealed will--is God's will is not dependant on our feelings or circumstances.  I have observed people can be much more interested in knowing what "God's will is" in a particular situation rather than God's overarching will for every Christian.  I am convinced the will of God revealed for all Christians guides us in every circumstance we experience in life, and doing God's will is paramount.

Knowing the will of God and submitting to His will is practical, relevant and most fruitful in all seasons of life--to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks--rather than knowing how a conflict will be resolved or when something may change.  We should not imagine God's will for us hinges on our situations, a fickle sort of wish that shifts with the tide.  Rather than seeking God's future plans we do not know and possibly may never be revealed to us by our sovereign God, we ought to put God's will we are assured of into more regular practice.  We can focus on knowing God's methods or His desired outcome when He employs circumstances to test and strengthen our faith and resolve to rest in His will by simply continuing to do it.

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